Friday 11 October 2024

Rule(?) Brittania.

Dieus Cassius Elpus,Rome's(!) finest,is marching his force of 2 Imperial Legions,plus 3 Auxiliary Legions,Cavalry and archers,deep into the Northunbrian Hills,intent on subduing a little known tribe called the Jee-Ordii.

His every move is being watched by the tribe,and when he moves out from his camp,in a long column,the Jee-Ordii pounce-hoping to hit the column from both sides. 

Top photo shows Dieus Cassius Elpus,Rome's Finest!!  Bottom photo shows the long snaking column,with just a hint of barbarians!!!

Chariots attacking from the column's right,and Tribes attacking from the left!

Tribes attacking the head of the column-the cavalry in front of the tribes hindered their advance-big mistake?

The chariots have "bounced" off the tail end Aux. legion,the whole column is under considerable pressure now,the central Imperial legion is suffering badly!!

Second wave of chariots are attacking,cavalry on the left hand hill are about to lock horns.

Cavalry battle in full swing,both legions are engaged-some good dice throws from the Romans saw some minor successes,but still 50/50.

A couple of chariots have actually made contact,the rest "bounced" again-the Aux. made short work of the two that contacted-hurrah!

The tribes attacking the head of the column are now ready to go as their cavalry has been soundly beaten and have had to retire(it's good being retired!)

Oh dear! one complete Imperial Legion has been wiped out!!-this leaves the open flank of the next Legion very vulnerable,and they too could be lost-what to do ??????

Well,in the grand old tradition,that is to"dog" his family for centuries to come,Dieus Cassius Elpus,Rome's Finest(!) decides that he mis-read the omens,and now he had better get back over the border and attend to business there!!-the shame of it!!!!

I would try and get back to the fort if I was you!!

Another interesting solo 15mm game-poor old Elpus,will he ever win a battle?

Monday 7 October 2024

Marlburian game 25mm.

Last night,the "fab four" Dave,Paul,Brian and myself,had an hilarious game where almost all of our command figures got killed!!

I had set up a straightforward game,each side being equal,wih a simple scenario and objective-ie hold/capture the central town-what could go wrong? 

Top photo shows defending the town-bottom photo shows the table layout-Brian commanded the French(on the right) Dave held part of the town and a force of Bavarians,complete with cavalry on the far flank-I commanded a mixed force facing him,whilst Paul faced Brian also with a mixed force.

This was move number two!!-all guns blazing-this was never going to last long!-this photo shows my Spanish giving Dave's Bavarians a lesson on how not to win a volley competition!!

Brian vs Paul-look at the concentration on Brian's face(or is that wind??)-the dice did not go Paul's way,and after losing a whole lot of officers,he had to quickly swap lines..................

Lines about to be changed-surely the new troops will do better(?)

Is that an ugly hole in my line?-YES!!!-luckily I have a regiment in reserve to fill it-at this point in the game both sides had lost 4 officers each-whose morale will hold though?

Both Dave and I have launched our cavalry,trying to win the flank-guess who won?-not me!! by this time both sides were looking rather thin on troops/reserves-Brian's front line had collapsed,Paul's second line was in  dire straits(not the group!) my troops had been driven out of the town,and Dave was throwing troops in who only had a drummer and a cook left!!! To cap it all the dead officer count had risen to 7 on Brian and Dave's side and 8 on Paul and myself!!

Oh well,we asked for a draw but were refused!!-a good game played in the right spirit-this week my solo games continue with a foray into Rome vs Britons,as above-keep reading and sending comments.

Sunday 6 October 2024

Battle of the River Spew,Scotland 1745.

The newly appointed Lord Elpus(distant relative of the "swine" who deserted his troops at the battle of the Limpopo River 134 years hence) has been tasked with opening a route into the highlands,and defeating the Scottish Clans. 

He sets up camp on the low hills over-looking the river Spew,hoping to goad the Clans into attacking him in his good defensive position.

The Clans,lead by "Bonnie" Prince Charlie rise to the challenge,and move towards the "English" army,hoping to drive Lord Elpus and his army back across the border and into England.

The "English" camp and the approaching Clans-The Scots' plans was to out-flank the camp on their right flank,the "English" plan was to hold tight,using volley fire and artillery fire,linked to cavalry moves to defeat the Scots.

Lord Elpus considering the movement of the Scots from the safety of the camp.

As the Scots' plan becomes clear,the Cavalry move to the "English" right flank-the clans are getting nearer-hopefully the volley fire will stop them(!!)

Some casualties are being recorded on the approaching clans,but not enough to stop them!

The famous Highland Charge hits the "English" line,both frontally and in the flank-have the trained infantry got enough to stop them??

Fighting all along the line now-The right flank/camp is being well-defended,but the front line is under severe pressure-Elpus is sending more cavalry to the right,however he has committed his left flank cavalry too late,and they are unable to out-flank the clans-oh dear!

Too late-wasted opportunity!-these heavy cavalry were soundly beaten by the Baggots Hussars! with defeat looking them in the eye,the "Fall back in good order" was given-will it be enough to save the whole army?

Falling back in good order-all along the "English" position-but too late for the troops in the front line-they have been out-flanked,and are now doomed! Lord Elpus has just remembered that he has some urgent business to attend to in Edinburgh,he better get there fast!

There he goes,with a fine escort-must be something in the genes!

Once again a fine game full of cock-ups and bad dice throws,at one point the "English" looked as though they were going to win,but it was not to be!!-I wonder what Elpus will get up to next!

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Crossing the Limpopo,part two.

As the Zulus approached, Lord Elpus ordered one coy. of the NNC to move and protect the left of the gun on the northern hill,and one coy. to protect the right flank of the Marines,whilst the remaining coy. was to stand and guard the cattle . Some long range shooting did very little damage to the right and centre of the Zulus,but caused a few casualties to the left horn

Damage to the left horn(red pom-poms) and all round shooting from the British troops,NNc have not received their order to move yet!.

They're getting closer,Zulu casualties mounting but not too serious yet!

Because of terrain restrictions the centre and right horn have merged-the centre regiments took precedence,forcing the right to stand and look on for a move!-look at the red pom-poms now.

The left horn is taking a bit of a battering,but still they come!!-the right horn is within charge distance now-oh dear!!

A general view of the table-too close for comfort??

USUTHU!!-the charge took the troops out in the open by storm,but they fought back although at a real disadvantage!!

The centre is now within charge range,and the British position looks perilous,but what of the Zulu right??

Well,it too has charged into the wagon line and the stout defenders,but they are taking alot of casualties-a coy. of NNC(in foreground) is sent to bolster the flank.-The Zulus have extended their lines to attack the British in the flank and rear-hmmmm.

The gun on the north hill has taken off,at a rate of knots-this is not looking good!

Break through!-the Zulus are just about to take the British troops in the flank,and extend to the rear.

No hope now,it is to be hoped that the left horn is not doing as well.....................

NOPE!!!-flank has gone. It was at this point that Lord Elpus and ADC Harris decided to do the right thing-and save the colours!!!!!

There they go-well they are the only ones with horses(I'm sure Queen Victoria will pardon them!!!)

This was a great game to play,thoroughly enjoyable,roll on the next one-possibly playing over the same terrain,but not the same period.

Crossing the Limpopo river,part one.

Heading up North,a re-supply column,consisting of 11 coys. British infantry,3 coys. of NNC,2 artillery pieces and numerous wagons and cattle,must cross the Limpopo river,as part of its route.Minor attacks have occurred over the past few months,resulting in most column commanders taking extra precautions to protect their wagons and troops. 

On this particular day,Lord Elpus(Column Commander) places  his two guns on the low hills over-looking the ford/drift,and sends his NNC forward to scout for possible Zulus(as if!!)

All is going well and Lord Elpus is contemplating a "spot of lunch",when,through his binoculars,he spots the NNC,on a distant hill,running around and looking agitated-could this be trouble?? He sends his ADC.Lt. Harris to investigate and report back ASAP! the column is halted until Harris returns and "Stand to" is called,and the Coys. take up defensive positions-"Another bloody false alarm" grumble the squaddies!!

The column,Lord Elpus on the hill,overlooking the crossing,NNC on far hill looking "agitated"

Lt. Harris rides out to see what is going on!

"Stand to" is called-Infantry take up defensive positions.

Harris returns,leading the "agitated" NNC!

Harris reports-ZULUS,thousands of 'em!!

It is assumed that the Zulus which the NNC have encountered is the right horn of the Zulu Impi,and that the centre/chest will attack down the Limpopo valley,leaving the left horn to attack and envelop the rear of the column.

Orders are issued and the wagons are "laagered" as best they can given the short time they have.The artillery is sited and everyone holds their breath!!-The NNC(having already had a shock) and the cattle,take up a position beside the CinC and await orders.

The British coys. adopt their fighting positions-but where are the Zulus?

Zulu right horn,blocking the track.

Zulu chest/centre coming down the valley.

Zulu left horn,tasked with attacking the rear of the column and preventing any retirement(it's good being retired!)


Part two will be how the game played out-I hope you have enjoyed the scenario so far.