Friday 31 July 2020

More Welcome Visitors!!

Last night we had the first of many meetings of the new look Westerhope Wargames Group,and what a cracking meeting it was!-Just to see the horrible faces of "the boys" was good,however Brian couldn't make it-he was feeling not too well,but will definitely make it next week(yes we decided to have another meeting next Thursday!)
Everyone brought along boxes of figures,kits and books,all recently bought,and we "oohed and arred" at the sheer quantity and quality of it all!!

Masks and social distancing being observed,and sitting out-doors is an extra precaution-look at the boxes of "goodies".

Part of Dave's contribution-Napoleonics and Wellington in India,plus some "foxholes and artillery markers,the Prussian ambulance and horse artillery set are particularly fine!!

See what I mean???
Graham has been painting like a mad man-mainly Napoleonics,Austrians,Spanish,British-he doesn't know when to stop-he is also completing his 20mm WW2 collection!!-I'm worn out just printing this lot!!

Spanish line and light-he is building up divisions of Spanish,colourful,and with the right commanders,effective(??)

Paul has been painting some Italian tanks for Dave(desert types!) and also making a couple of model plane kits for the same period-one Italian,the other German,he also brought along three books on Napoleonic uniforms,which he got off E-bay for a ridiculously cheap price-well done me lad!!
We chatted on for a couple of hours,had a cup of coffee and a biscuit,and agreed to meet next week-roll on next week.

Friday 24 July 2020

A welcome visitor and two games.

Since the lock down,visitors have been fairly rare at the Coutts household,so on Tuesday we were thrilled to have the one and only,legend in his own lifetime.....................................

Charlie Wesencraft!!! who popped in for a chat and a cup of coffee. He is working on a project involving making some(20) "Cogs" "Galleys" and "Merchant ships" which he is manning with 12mm figures for a little known invasion of England by a French fleet,assisted by some Scots in and around the mid/late 1300's-he is never still as far as wargaming is concerned,and I suppose that's what keeps him young at heart!
Now for the two games,played over the same terrain(lazy or what?) the first was a Peninsular game involving lots of figures!

Scenario and initial troop dispositions-a "phased" game,which worked out wonderfully well!

Phase 1: top photo shows the French attacking "hill C",bottom photo shows the French retiring(it's good being retired!) back down the hill.
This instigated Phase 2..........................

The French attack on hill "B" the centre of the British position-as you can see from the following photo's,it was a near run thing.......................

Top photo shows the French actually taking the crest of the hill,and driving some British regiments back!-However the wise old British commander(moi!) had troops positioned behind the ridge,who then drove the French back!!-whilst this was going on,Phase 3 was happening...........

2 Portuguese brigades,supported by a Scots brigade,advance to out-flank the French-I had to throw a dice to see if the French reserves,just outside the town, would react to the threat-and they did!!

A "stand-off" ensued,until the supporting French Lancers were beaten by the Port, Dragoons,forcing the French reserve infantry to go into square(note green squares!)-it would just be a matter of time before the flank was taken,but,back at the centre.......................

Volley fire,bayonet charges,melee and cavalry charges eventually forced the French to retire(it's really,really good being retired!!) and the game was over!!-this was an epic game,but using historical knowledge and very simple rules,a realistic result was achieved!
I will report the second game(which Paul took part in) tomorrow.
I took this photo yesterday,and think it's quite unusual-I called THE WIFE to come and see it,but before she came to the gate,it slammed shut and squashed the little bugger!!!-oh dear!

I've never seen a yellow snail before- I hope it had a happy,if short,life!!

Friday 17 July 2020

Strange people and a "cracking" game!

People never cease to amaze me!-no comments can be printed on our blog,unless I approve them,this eliminates the "spam", "scam" and possibly "jam",so how on earth does the person who has tried to get the following comments onto this blog,think that I would contemplate printing them?? I suppose I'll have to let you see the level to which this person has descended....

Dear,dear me!!

Now onto wargaming!-Last night Paul and I had a great Napoleonic Peninsular War battle,which turned out to be the best game I've had since the "lock-down"
Paul was designated the French commander (Massena) and was given an objective of capturing at least one of the two villages occupied by the British-this resulted in a real "ding-dong" of a game!!

This is the table,showing terrain and initial troop positions,I had deliberately made my right flank village and hill weak,in the hope that Paul would think I had troops hidden behind the ridge.

Top photo shows my RF artillery being put to good use,trying to break up Paul's attack,bottom photo shows his massive attack going in against the village,whilst in the background he is mounting another attack against my centre!!

My resolute centre is shown in the top photo,my left flank is shown in the bottom photo-just about to be attacked!-My Rifles hold the village,so the French were not in for an easy ride!!

The attack begins,not only on the hill,but on the Rifle-held village too-is the man mad??
I don't like the look of the columns approaching the far village-is this a sledgehammer to crack a nut??

I have launched my light dragoons against the French lancers,in a bid to stop the French attack on the RF village-the troops in the village are suffering from artillery fire,and the walls are collapsing around them-oh dear!!-look at the mass of French attacking the centre!!

British troops have abandoned the village,leaving the door open for the French to occupy it,and, theoretically,win the game!!-but Paul wanted to see if he could destroy the rest of the British,so we played on-hurrah!!

My other light dragoons are attacking the other lancers,and beating them-however they then decided to"chase" them-so no cavalry cover for my infantry,just as Paul has "sneakily" mounted another attack from the cover of the RF village-is this the end??

One final photograph of the table,from the French side,showing their dominance-oh woe is me!!
Well done to Paul,a great game,I just hope we can get together as a club soon-I will try and get the rest of the "boys" to have a game asap!

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Feasibility and "Odds and Sods"

Last Thursday Paul and I had an Ancients game,to see if it was feasible for us all to meet as a club again!-there are 5 of us in our small(but beautiful) club and we have a permanent 10 x 6 foot table,so maybe the social distancing rules could be met-unfortunately this wasn't so!-the game went well,but with 5 members present we couldn't meet the criteria set down for our personal safety,so we'll just have to wait and see what happens within the next few weeks/months(??)-3 was,perhaps feasible,but that leaves 2 out in the cold!!

This is the ancients game that we had-I was in charge of the Romans and Paul was in charge of the Carthaginians.
It was so good to have a real opponent again(getting a trifle bored with playing with myself!!)
I did take a few more photo's of the game,but HAL(my computer) has decided to hide them! and until I can get my "technical department" (son!) to sort it out,I'm a bit stuck!!

I have "re-visited" my Napoleonics,which haven't been played with for months(possibly because the "boys" are massing loads of professionally painted figures for the 1815 campaign)
I decided that I would use them for solo games only,and split the "regiments" into brigades,each regiment was three bases strong,but now one base equals a regiment and three is a brigade-I have had 3 good interesting games using them like this,and think I have fallen back in love with the period(although all my battles will be Peninsular based affairs!)

Top shows my British infantry,bottom shows the French infantry-quite a few of them!
I tidied the bases up,re-touched paintwork where necessary and even gloss varnished the whole lot-a thing I have never done!

Cavalry and artillery got the same treatment,and now is all good to go!

Close-ups of command groups-all the figures are from Irregular Miniatures".
But now onto the first game I had with the new-look "Nappies".

Top photo shows the terrain I intended to fight over,bottom photo shows my thinking/planning for the game-instead of three brigades,I now have three Divisions!!

The "red wall" is standing,awaiting the attack,which wasn't long in coming!
I enjoyed the game,using a very simple,and vicious casualty/morale system,which gave a good,historical result.

This is the attack on the British centre-as with almost all of the attacks,the "head" of the columns was shot off,followed by a swift bayonet charge,resulting in the French having to retire(it's good being retired!) or try to form some sort of line-great wargaming!
Paul and I will be having another game this Thursday,and discuss a "get together" in my back garden,weather permitting next week.
Roll on Thursday!
I have "sussed" out what HAL has done with my photo's-he's put them in Daily Files-why?? isn't monthly files enough for him(it?)-maybe I can get back into the swing of things again.

Friday 3 July 2020

The continuation of the Plethora continued!

My next game was set in Zululand and involved British troops,tasked with burning a local kraal,whilst avoiding the angry locals!

Top photo shows the tinder-dry kraal,just waiting to be set fire to! bottom photo shows the 4 companies and three wagons approaching the kraal,with caution!

The British commander has sent a company,in skirmish order,forward to check out the kraal,just in case there are any Zulus lurking in the huts.As they approach the kraal 2 Zulu regiments appear-oh dear! Can the British form a good defence,using the wagons and terrain,before the Zulus are on them??

Top photo shows the defences nearly ready,but Zulus approaching at a "steady pace",bottom shows supporting fire from the kraal.

A "bird's eye view" of the defences,just as the first Zulus make contact!

The kraal is being attacked,and ,fearing being surrounded,the British company fell back to the bush and wagon defences-good move!!!

Things are looking serious for the British,one company has been slaughtered,and the Zulus,undaunted by the British volley fire,are still coming on!!

The closer they got,the more casualties they took! but then one,then two,then three Zulu companies decided that they stood no chance and retired (it's good being retired!) quickly followed by the rest-hurrah!!

What a wonderful sight-if you're British! But what of the objective?

Well,a few "Puck" matches and a couple of fire-lighters did the trick, I hope nothing else is angry with the British soldiers...........................


My next,and last game this week(actually it should have been the penultimate game,but this bloody computer has hidden the photo's I took of a Mongol vs Koreans game,and won't tell me where it has put them!!) should be titled "With your shield,or on it!"-Yes it's a Spartan game,against their mortal enemies the Athenians!

Top photo shows the initial dispositions of the armies,Spartans on the right,bottom shows the Spartan "High Command" observing from a safe position!
The Athenian commander(me!) wanted to try a tactic,involving moving the centre forward whilst holding the flanks back,hoping the Spartans would keep advancing up the hill,then the reserve hoplites from the Athenian rear,would fall on the exposed Spartan flanks-simple!

Top shows the Athenian tactic being put into motion,bottom shows the right flanking troops in position,ready to take the Spartans by surprise!

The Spartans have fallen for it!,then BOO!! the flanking troops charge into their flank and rear-this happened on both flanks,and caused the Spartans to give ground initially,then break in a most disgraceful manner!!

Top photo shows the clash on the Athenian left flank,bottom photo shows the Spartans in a spot of bother.

I knew that vignette would come in handy!!
I am getting into these solo games now,realising that you can't take them too seriously!
If the computer,who I have now called HAL,shows me where the Mongol photo's are,I will do a report on that game ,probably next week!!