Monday, 30 December 2024

Last game of the year.

Last night,myself,Andy,Graham and Brian had an exciting game pitting Vikings against Saxons.

The game was a simple attack(Vikings) defence(Saxons) one with the Saxons holding a small village,whilst the Vikings,landing from their ships,attempted to grab the village and burn and pillage to their hearts content!!

 The Vikings have landed-Brian and Andy put up a good defence against them,resulting in my force being heavily beaten,however my ally,Graham, had another ship coming onto the board filled with Elite troops-would he see the plight I was in and send them to help?

NO!!! was the answer-he has landed and used them to help his already victorious horded!!! leaving me to battle on against impossible odds-oh woe is me(or should that be Wodin is me??)

Brian is contemplating his next move-both Brian and Andy's dice throwing were little short of miraculous sending the  Vikings rushing back to their ships in a certain amount of disarray!!

Back to the ships!!-this was a good game,enjoyed by us all-we are looking forward to 2025 now and lots more games,hopefully Paul and Dave will be back with us then-happy new year to all out there,lets hope it will be a peaceful one.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024


In my last night's blog I said our "New" member was called Eddy-no he isn't he's called ANDY-my apologies,put it down to old age!!!!! 

Monday, 9 December 2024


I haven't blogged for a while,so I though I would just do a small update to prove we are still alive!

 Last night we had a WW2 game at Dave's mansion,and our latest recruit turned up(we met him at Middlesbrough)-as previously stated WW2 doesn't hold much interest for me,but the spectacle and the banter was good(so was the coffee and bickies!)

Dave,Nick,and Eddy (new recruit) surveying their troops(Russian) before the game started,Paul and Brian were Germans,opposing them.

The objective,a small Industrialised town-occupied by Germans-the Russian had to take it to win.

A Tiger,I am reliably informed(it got knocked out by an inferior Russian tank later on in the game!)

Brian's position being stormed by infantry and tanks-he resisted them well!

Nick's assault on the town won the day! this was an exciting game to watch,and I assume to play in-well done to Dave for putting on such a show.

I have been having a variety of solo games to keep myself amused in this awful weather................

A 7YW battle which took all day,very enjoyable,using all the figures I have.

English Civil War game,fought over the same terrain,but with a different outcome!

A WW1 aerial game-good fun and so unpredictable,using my old rules(simple ones)

Due to nick and Dave and myself not being able to play next week,our next game will be our Xmas game on the 22nd-looking forward to that(I may put on a mid-week game if possible.)