Monday, 27 January 2025

A grand afair!

Last night 6 of us braved the cold and wind and rain to have a grand game involving Romans against Dacians and Germans.

This was the simple scenario,Andy took command of the Legion,Nick commanded the Auxiliaries,Brian commanded the Germans,and I took the Dacians-Paul and Graham helped out where necessary!!

Burnt out fort complete with little lead corpses!!

The table layout with Romans on the right.

Andy's Romans make a grand entrance,my Dacians make a controlled advance!

Brian's Germans make a wild charge towards the Aux. legion,Paul is giving Nick some tactical advice.

Dacians brutally attack the Roman line-and were brutally repulsed!!!-is this the way the game is going to go?

Germans getting stuck in!!-Nick ignored Paul's sound tactical advice and suffered for it!!

Where have all the Dacians gone??-retired (it's good being retired!) to regroup,Sarmatian cavalry are doing well and soundly beating the Roman horse-hurrah!!

Dacians have had to accept defeat,with minor successes on the flanks,but nothing the Romans couldn't handle-oh dear!!

Despite Graham(who had taken over from Brian,as commander of the Germans) losing his CinC,they swept on to victory,so really a draw should have been declared-well we will leave it at that!!

A good and exciting game, which we all enjoyed-roll on next Sunday when we will all be at York.


Saturday, 11 January 2025

15mm update.

I have been painting a 15mm Macedonian army for the past few weeks,photo's to follow(with a bit of luck-still having problems downloading them!!) ...............

The entire army laid out-I have supplemented it with some Greek hoplites,as Hypaspists from my Greek army.

Greek Hoplites as stand-ins for Hypaspists.

Companion cavalry,led by the man himself-ALEXANDER!-peltasts on their flank.

Phalanx(10 units)

Another shot of the Phalanx,showing second line.

Peltasts,flanking the Hypaspists,who in turn are flanking the Phalanx!!

Back to the entire army-all supplied by Lancashire Games,at a very reasonable price.

I have played a fascinating Zulu game this week too(who's a busy boy then??)

The scenario was that a British force was constructing a road and bridge,and the Zulus didn't like it!!!-a Highland brigade was posted on a nearby hill to watch over proceedings whilst the "English" battalions "swanned" around in the camp!!!-the Zulu commander,Cootswayo,planned his attack in the normal fashion................

Top photo shows the table layout,bottom shows the "camp"

Left horn approaching the Scots.

"Static" Zulu centre,and right horn advancing directly onto the camp and from behind the large hill.

Poor old Scots under alot of pressure,but decimating the attacking warriors-however there are lots of them!!

Hand-to-hand now the Scots are doing well,but Zulu reinforcements are piling in to the melee!

The camp is under serious attack by the centre and right horn,but so far the British are holding their own(steady!!)

The camp defences have been breached!!,and casualties are mounting on the defenders!!

The Scots are being surrounded!-with the camp about to be taken,and the Scots beaten,it was all over,and a resounding Zulu victory!!-great game and great entertainment!!

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Greeks vs Persians 15mm solo game.

Over the past two nights I have been fighting a15mm solo game using my Globally acclaimed Red Pom-Pom rules!! What better way to spend a cold winter's night than playing with your self and a glass of rum?????

 These two photo's show the table layout with the Persians nearest the edge and the Greeks facing-the Persian army had Elephants and Scythed Chariots!!-these proved to be a bit of a nuisance to the Greeks!

These two photo's show the flanks,top one shows the Greeks being attacked early on,whilst on the other flank a steady advance throws the Greek command into a bit of a "TIZ!"

The Persian line advances-medium infantry(axemen) in front-the left flank is engaged now hindering the advance of the large Spartan phalanx!

Elephant charge disperses the Greek light cavalry,whilst the other two are advancing onto the Greek Peltasts-but what of the scythed chariots??

They are heading at break neck speed towards the Spartans-this will be interesting!!

On the other flank the chariots and Elephants have smashed their way in to the rear of the Greeks-the Spartans eventually neutralised the chariots hurled at them,and started their advance on the main Persian line-I'm sweating now-time for another Rum!!!

Top photo shows the Spartans re-organising themselves and still unable to move because of the cavalry battle going on on their flank!

The main battle in the centre is hotting up,with both sides supporting their front line,the Persians are suffering badly,and with both flank cavalry battles being lost,and the Spartans at last able to move,all looks lost!

One last shot of the table showing the state of the Persians,and the Spartans about to roll them up!-This was another exciting game where I can decide what the Generals would do in "real life" and not fight to the last man if an avenue of escape is present.A very happy new year to you all,I'm looking forward to some great games(solo and club) in 2025.