Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Latest victims of the floods!!

Disaster has struck at the Westerhope Wargames Group Headquarters(ie "The Garage"),after unprecedented rainfall over the last few days,our "club room"(ie "The Garage") has sprung a leak,forcing me to empty some shelves of boxes,and having to store them on the Wargames table,so I'm afraid we won't be playing on Thursday-how will we cope??

The culprit-it's actually next door's garage roof that is the problem,my roof is ok.but the walls adjoin,so any water accumulating on their roof seeps through into my garage!!

Boxes of figures stored,temporarily, on the wargames table-only a couple of boxes were damaged,and soaked(my solo modern stuff,so no real problem!) but just in case of more water coming in,I moved a lot of my Ancients.

A portable heater being used to try and minimise the problem-the Welsh flag which can be seen hanging like,well,a wet flag,might have to go!

Trying to dry out one of the damaged boxes,using the kitchen radiator-aren't wives understanding at times like these-NOT!!-"I hope that doesn't mark the wall","can't you use an older teatowel?","why don't you just throw the box out and get a new one?"-etc.etc.-ho hum!!

On a lighter note,I am getting through Brian's Normans(or should that be Norman's Brians?) at a good rate,and only have one more Infantry unit to do now.This is a shot of the completed cavalry unit,flocked today.


  1. Disaster! Hope you are all dried out soon, and the neighbour gets his roof fixed (perhaps you could file a massive insurance claim?). Nice Normans too.

    1. Hi Spriningsfeld,thanks for your thoughts,it could have been so much worse,however not a millionth of the disaster those poor folk in Cumbria are suffering,so really shouldn't complain.
      More photo's of Normans soon.

  2. Fear not, The rain is likely to end tonight!

    Working at the RVI, I have met lots of people from Cumbria, and they have suffered much more!

    Flooding is a nightmare though, isn't it!!!

    1. Hi Herkybird,many thanks for your concern,you're right of course,I shouldn't complain when I see wahatthose poor souls in Cumbria are having to put up with.

  3. D-mn British weather! I hope it doesn't get worse for you.
    We've been lucky at Catterick Garrison, apart from heavy rain and a good blow we've been spared.
    I hope you give the Welsh flag a proper send off :)

    1. HI Roy,thanks for your comment,I agree this weather is a bit rough,my rain guage shows three times the average rainfall for january after just 7 days!!
      What kind of send-off would you recommend for the Welsh flag??

    2. Oh, it'll have to be a rousing set of renditions of "Land of My Fathers", "Men of Harlech" and, lastly, "Delilah" by Sir Tom Jones. Of course you yourselves won't have to sing them, youtube would suffice :)

    3. Hi Roy,I'm beginning to think that all wargamers are a little bit mad!!!-Tom Jomes????

  4. Commiserations. At least you spotted it before it got really bad...

    1. Yo Caliban,I omly hope it will stop raining long enough for me to get a roofer out!!
      We've just booked the hotel in Falkirk today,and are all raring to get up there.

    2. Alas, I don't think I'll make it to Falkirk in May - I've just moved to Cheltenham!

    3. Hi Caliban,
      What?not attending Carronade!! it won't be the same.
      How will you communicate with the guys in Cheltenham????-good luck,was it a job move?
