Monday 23 July 2018

Rome vs British Tribes.59AD

What a game we had last night!-Chris brought his Fleet and Marine Legion up from Yorkshire,I supplemented it with some of my figures,and pitted them against a huge Barbarian army,and a "ding-dong " of a game ensued!!

Top photo is the scenario,bottom is Chris laying out his MDF fleet and beautifully painted Legion-he looks happy now,but will he still be smiling when the game ends??

We're off! The Romans,commanded by Chris,Graham and Paul are dis-embarking,as the Barbarians commanded by Brian,myself and Dave,move forward to engage.

A lucky shot from Graham's Bolt Thrower has set a hut on fire,restricting any movement through the Settlement-and this was just move number two!!!

As the Roman line was being formed,I launched my chariots against it,with some success,but mostly some failures!!-so far we are not doing so well!!

The Roman line is now fully formed,but I am massing the warbands in the centre,ready to deal a crushing defeat on them!-Our "Secret Weapon" now came into play,the "butcher of Oakhampton" aka NIRAB,was ordered to unleash the "hounds of hell" through the trees and attack Paul who held the Roman left flank!!-hurrah(or was it??)

There they are,lurking in the woods-poised and ready to strike-come on Brian,come on Brian,come on Brian!!!-please,pretty please,double pretty please!!-move the bloody things!!

The Romans are looking pretty smug-as well they might.Graham has secured his flank against Dave(who asked for and received a couple of warbands from the reserves) who has just lost his CinC figure!!,the centre is being pushed back,so it's all down to the "Butcher of Oakhampton"-come on Brian,come on Brian,come on Brian!!!!!

We are now shifting our troops to guard the right flank against Graham,my centre is in real trouble,and Brian has now decided to let a couple of his warbands have a look at the "nasty" Romans!!-who then unleashed all kinds of hell against them-they did not like it and retired back to the woods!!!!!

The desperate fight for our left flank! but, outnumbered,and out-general'd we had no chance of winning it.

As Chris looks on,Paul moves his victorious troops forward,and it is all over!-to be fair to Brian,he did put in a good attack(eventually!) but was beaten back by Paul's "scorpion" and pila from his Legion!
All in all a great fought game,with usual hilarious banter and down-right rudeness to each other-wouldn't change it for the world!!
Roll on next Sunday,could be the battle of Marathon,but who knows?
Our thanks to Chris for bring his troops this far North!-hope you can come again soon.


  1. It was a real treat. Paul has chosen that I bring my Italians and Abyssinians next time. Cheers, Chris

    1. Chris-great,will Paul be doing the scenario etc. or will you?-very exciting period,bring it on!!

    2. Reckon it's best if I do the scenario. The when is a decision for another day

    3. What you could have said is Ab a seeing yah

    4. Terrible...

    5. Chris,you only had to put up with it for one night-we have the whole year!!!

  2. Fantastic game guys.. well done John and Chris for the scenario and figures. Lots of laughs and ribbing. Of course dice throwing gods were against the romans but despite this we soldiered on and triumphed.. well that's our version of events.

    1. Paul,you may have had the "dice gods" against you,but we had Brian against us!!

  3. Ha ha oh yes and agent Brian will be granted citizenship for his wonderful work
