Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Solo ACW game.

I was inspired,by Sunday's game, to play a solo game this afternoon(Wimbledon is really to blame!) and I chose ACW.
I have developed a very simple and fast set of rules,based on the number of regiments in a brigade,times an average dice-loser gets to "sport" an orange pom-pom-when two pom-poms are picked up,a regiment is removed,thus reducing the fire power and melee power.Artillery fire is done by throwing a hit/miss dice,if a hit is recorded,the target receives an orange pom-pom!!! simple but good fun(I think)

This shows the table at move number one- I am using Kallistra terrain pieces,having given up on the hex pieces(but that's a different story!)-the Union army is on the left-all figures are from Warrior's 15mm range.

The Confederate artillery opens up,however the gunners must have gone to the "Blind Pew school of gunnery",and the Union gunners must have had laser-guided ammunition!!

The Union left flank-too crowded for effective movement,a change of plan is needed!

An overall view of the table about move number 4- The "Rebs" are advancing towards the river,where the "Yanks" are waiting for them!!

Fire-fights on the river bank,and a cavalry melee on the Union right flank.
Because of the damage done in the first few moves,by the artillery,the Confederates are suffering!!

Top photo shows the Confederate infantry taken a good old beating,and being out-flanked,bottom photo shows their cavalry being pushed back,and on the verge of retiring(it's good being retired!)

One final shot showing the sorry state of the Confederate army!
I find these solo games quite "taxing" in a funny sort of way,and very enjoyable,but won't replace our club games-however a good way to spend a couple of hours,apart from eventually coming back into the house to the WIFE'S hilarious,and now well-used, but boring, saying-"Have you been playing with yourself in the garage?"
Roll on Sunday-hopefully the boys will be coming up with a game.


  1. Hi Johnc,
    Great to see those little warriors in action again. I have just packed my ACW armies away and replaced them with 7yrs war 15mm armies set out on the table. It might be a good idea to think about a designing a small campaign which could be played out in a similar manner to the distance/postal games ( email now, which speeds things up) suggested by Douglas Featherstone in his book 'Solo Wargames'. It would provide a structure to a limited number of solo Wargames and create some challenging tactical problems on the table. What do you think?It would give solo gaming an unpredictable edge and produce, perhaps even more enjoyment.

    1. Davidp-I have been wargaming now for 48 years,and have started countless campaigns,with maps,plans,objectives etc.etc-and not one has ever been played out to a conclusion!!!-so I have given up on that side of the hobby-and as for "E mail"-I know how clothes pegs work,and that is the extent of my technical knowledge-but a worthwhile comment,nevertheless!!
