Monday, 27 January 2020

Planning ahead-Carronade 2020.

We believe that planning and organisation is the key to a successful demo. game,so we have started to plan our game for May at Falkirk.
We wanted to do something different,and something that we've never done before,so I suggested we dust off our "BIG SHIPS",because it met both criteria. A game was planned for last night,and Dave and Paul would be the guinea pigs,testing rules and playability............

Top photo is the front page of the rules that I "knocked-up",bottom photo is the score sheet that records casualties etc.

This is the table as the "boys" saw it when they walked in,French to the left(Port)
Dave commanded the French,Paul the British.

Top photo is a close-up of the British 1st rate ship,bottom is a close-up of the French 1st rate ship.

For this game we reverted back to using our "BIG DICE"-I'm beginning to sound like Trump-BIG,BIG,BIG!!!
However,back to the game........................

Top photo shows the 1st raters blasting hell out of each other,trying to disable masts and guns and crews!! Bottom photo shows the 2nd raters doing the same.

A general view of the action!-At the end of the game(which the French won!) it was decided that the "BIG SHIPS" wouldn't be a feasible game for Carronade-it's a pity, but as we are a Club,democracy rules,so it's back to the planning table!
Paul and Dave have a game in mind,and we probably will be play-testing it next week,at Dave's house.


  1. I like the concept of planning John, its something I didnt expect from you mind. I love the ships but I think the lads are right, nothing beats lots of toy soldiers.

    1. Robbie,yes you're probably right,but the spectacle of these giant ships!!!!-see you at York.

  2. Some fine looking vessels John, and that's from a total landlubber!

    1. MJT-you've burst my proverbial bubble!!!-I thought with a "handle" like Maudlin Jack Tar,that you were an ex-seagoing type!! but if you like rum,I'll forgive you!!
      Thanks for comment,

    2. Sorry John. I like the idea of sailing but would get sick just looking at the sea. A nice tot of rum would hit the spot...

    3. Hi MJT-there's only three things that keep me going-Rum,Rum,Rum!!!!

  3. Blimey - you didn't lie - those ships are big..!

    1. Hi StW-15mm figures are just about right on them,I don't know if you can spot them, but each ship has a 15mm "Captain" on board.

  4. What was the down side of presenting the ships as a game? I could possibly provide a suitable land fortification and a 28mm Napoleonic British bombard, HMS Unicorn for the punters to look at :-) Chris

    1. HI Chris-too late matey,the land-lubbers have decided!!!-it could possibly run as a participation game at another venue though.
