Tuesday 8 February 2022

 Vapnartak Feb 2022

York Wargame Show Report

So the buzz of  expectancy reached a crescendo on Sunday morning. The day of this years first wargame show had arrived.

Despite the indecently early time that I had set the alarm for, I bounced out of bed, washed and dressed and wrapped myself in arctic clothing (well I am a pensioner now)! In reality I had already had a coffee in bed courtesy of my better half and dragged myself into a state of semi consciousness. Who ever thought of having two 7 o'clocks in the same day?

The away team had been severely reduced by a variety of reasons so it was left to Graham, Dave and myself.  Graham was patiently waiting for me to claim the front seat and it was off south to West Herrington (Dave) and beyond ! 

We arrived in perfect time to claim the premier parking positions on the main tree lined avenue approaching the show. Just a walk up to the entrance which we spent amusingly counting vacant parking opportunities. Oh well we exclaimed ... we need the exercise!

Not a large queue given the early arrival. They even have a PA system that tells the time counting down to opening. Dave does that too. Once within the building the reception desk greeted us all. 

Alas, perhaps John and Brian were right in not travelling after all ! All I said was "are there concessions for elderly citizens" .. to be abruptly told "NO". A Homer moment then occurred    "miserable gits! 

Did I say that aloud? Doh !

And of the show you may ask?

Graham rightly suggested a coffee which then included hot rolls. By the time we'd yapped to multiple fellow wargamers (even friends I venture to add) we thought we had better wander around.

It was going to be a stress free day for sure.

It was a pleasure to mingle and see that it was really well attended and traders were continually dealing with eager outstretched paws offering money. Just what we all needed. 

Chris was putting on a game on the top of the Eiger and with crampons and oxygen we met him and the East Leeds Militaria Society (ELMS). 
A cracking game set in Africa, colourful and with lots of aggressive chaps and some frightened troops.

One of the consequences of not having the two static show games on the ground floor was the ability to freely walk around without the choke points of those large tables under the stair well area. 
I'm sure you know which ones as we've seen the same set up for ever.....

More coffee and chat was needed so off to the cafe.

We reminisced with Brian and Chris about all things war gaming
You may wonder how you may manage to grow so tall. Like father, like son Chris had to have a snack.

Maybe Dave could learn from their diet ? I digress.

More shopping and a great big thank you to Gripping Beast taking over the reins at Front Rank. I managed to collect my latest Seven Years War order from the show saving postage and getting a marvellous gesture from them of some extra figures. Many thanks.

There was a pleasant finale as we managed to rummage around the stock boxes of Instant Armies and we all found bargains
In summary paints, brushes, Last Valley trees and lots of figures from our favourite traders combined to make a thoroughly successful day out.


  1. Sounds like a better day than described by my mate Phil, who noticed the lack of traders he wanted to see!

    1. Oh, they were there, they bid when they saw him!

  2. Lovely report and for a change none of your group were thrown out by the organisers.
