Wednesday 30 March 2022

Good news allround!

I have had a building surveyor to look at my garage/club house,and it has been given the "all clear" which means that we can resume our games-hurrah!!-in fact we will be having a Zulu game on Sunday,with,I hope, a full house(depending on how Graham feels after his bout of Covid.)

In the mean time I have been having a few solo games,on my re-vamped table,using my Kallistra boards.........................

I took inspiration from the game we had at Dave's house,and had a WW2(well, my version!) game,involving infantry and tanks-enjoyable and entertaining.

The infantry are cheap plastic figures from the Pound Shop(very basically painted) and the tanks were given to me by our mate Chris(and once again very basically painted!)

Hmm,yes,very basically painted,but they worked for my simple rules,and filled in a couple of hours!!

Next on the table was a complex ACW game involving the "Epic" figures from Warlord Games.

The "Rebs" held a hill and a farm-the Union had to take the positions,a Union division was due to come onto the table at move number 6,from a position on the Union left................

There they are,just waiting!!

The contest for the hill was fierce(Top photo) the "hidden" division makes its way onto the table on move number 6,as was met with withering volleys from the Rebs-yeehah!!-this was a touch and go situation-so tense!(bottom photo)

As the battle for the hill continued,the "hidden" division was now holding its own(steady!) and the Rebel right flank looked in peril.

Top photo shows that the Rebs have retired(it's good being retired!) from the hill and are forming a new position in the valley-top photo shows the "hidden" division making real in-roads and bringing all their fire-power to bear on the farm troops-time to retreat???

Top photo shows massive gaps in the Reb line,bottom shows the Union about to launch a full scale attack on the depleted Rebel forces-so it was all over,and time to lie down in a darkened room for me!!-marvellous stuff. 

So roll on Sunday,and back to "normality".



  1. Good to be back gaming at yours, basic modern game looks to have been enjoyable, and that's the point of any hobby isn't it really?
    Epic looks soooo tempting! Get there behind me Satan !

    1. James-just go for it!! Looking forward to seeing the "boys" on Sunday.
