Tuesday 17 September 2024

Games galore,and "new" member!

I am still playing my solo games,and on Sunday we had a "riveting" ancients game,but the real plus was the return of BRIAN!!!-very slimmed down but still the same old vulgarity,anecdotes etc.etc.-it was a real tonic to us all that he has made a comeback(his dice throwing was still crap!!)

A couple of photo's from my recent solo game featuring Spartans against Athenians-the Athenians have cheated by employing Elephants!!-they caused a spot of bother with the Spartan Allies,but not with the Spartans!!

Classic stuff! I can really take my time and enjoy the order writing side of these games-I may even get back to having a "tot" of rum soon!!

Now back to Sunday's game-Gauls against Romans(who else?)-Paul and Graham were Romans whilst Brian and I were the Gauls.

Graham and Brian-Brian is the slim one!!!

Scenario and troop dispositions-what the Romans didn't know was that the woods on each flank had Stakes in them hampering movement!!-sneaky.-The Romans moved forward in Testudo formation,against the barrier,negating the javelins from the Gauls-this proved to be too much for the Gauls in the ensuing melees!

The Roman advance("testudos made from bent card painted with shields!)

At first it looked good for the Gauls,with the advantage of the barrier,but pila and good dice throwing from the Romans saw the barrier quickly knocked down,and the slaughter began!!

Barrier down-Gauls stood no chance,however both flanks were hotly contested,and it turned into a near run thing-but even Brian couldn't ask for a draw!-Good game,roll on next Sunday!

A final shot of half of my Persian 15mm army(from Lancashire Games)

I have gone "beserk" with the colours-they stand out!-I also have twenty(yes twenty!) Elephants to add to the army-how I arrived at twenty is a story on its own,which will be told later!!


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