Sunday, 4 September 2011

Ihave decided that the rivers we normally fight over are just too small,so i ahve painted a rather large version ontoo our board,very simple paint job,blue with green banks and islands,i think it looks very effective and the rest of the "boys" did too. We have had alot of games using the new river and it has proved to be quite an obstacle as well as providing a real challenge.The game you are lloking at was a colonial one based in the Sudan,with british and egyptian forces attacking a "Fuzzie Wuzzie" held town.

These shots are of the River being initially painted,and me trying out various trees etc on it to give different aspects

The river consists of a long bend and an island,and an even longer straight section with an island at the end,as I said before the paint job is very basic,but I'm sure that you'll agree,the finished effect is good.