Sunday, 10 July 2016

Muster on the Parade report.

Brian and I represented our group at Stockton on Saturday,and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves,even though the "Footfall" was poor.
There was a good scattering of trade stands,selling everything a Wargamer could need,the Participation games ranged from Sci-fi through to WW2,with a bit of Colonial,Gangsters,Wild West and even Zombies thrown in for good measure.
In total we had eleven participants trying out our game-the most of all the games I think! and everyone seemed to enjoy the challenge,with "whoops" every time they shot down an American plane,with an even bigger "whoop" when they sank the Carrier!!!!
We didn't know who would turn up for the event,except that we knew Robbie Roddis would show his face,due to the advanced,pre-game advertising that he dreamed up...........................

Max Clifford,eat your heart out!!!!!

You just can't take him anywhere!!-The table behind us was staging a Sudanese Colonial game,where participants could wear either a "Fez" or a Pith(Sun) helmet,and,of course,Brian couldn't resist the temptation to do his Tommy Cooper impression!!!!

A look around the very spacious hall showing some of the traders=this was before the doors were open to the public(our game in the foreground)

Another view before "opening time" showing the opposite side of the hall,and Brian guarding the table(without the "Fez")

Our first "punters",a father and son team,who proceeded to knock the hell out of the Americans,and sank the Carrier!!-well done!!-The Kamikaze headbands were there for all participants to keep.The doors are obviously open now,but not many members of the public are on show-this was a great pity,as a lot of hard work and organising went into the event,with even a visit from the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress(who stopped and chatted for quite a while with Brian and I)
Then,without a word of warning,it happened............................................

Robbie arrived!!!-in this shot he has just dropped a penny out of his pocket,and in his haste to get to it before it touched the ground,his hand moved so fast that it "blurred!!"

Even the arrival of Charlie Wesencraft couldn't persuade Robbie not to take part,and he teamed up with this young man,and again proceeded to knock the hell out of the American planes and sank the Carrier!!

This could be taken as an act of "gloating" which is frowned upon in our club!
Robbie,as usual threw himself into the game and the show-his enthusiasm is great to see(in a man of his age!!)
Throughout the day Brian and I inter-acted with as many traders,gamers and members of the public as we could,which left us exhausted.
It was great pity that this show wasn't supported better,and it will also be a great pity if Dave and Tom don't put it on again next year.


  1. It was good to see you there guys! I, too hope its on again next year!

    1. Hi Herkybird,thanks for your comment,it's a pity you couldn't have a game,but I'm sure there will be a "next time"

  2. Great game John, well thought out, let down by some scowling from the Gamesmaster.

    1. He scowls at us all the time Robbie

    2. Cheers Robbie,glad you enjoyed it,it's all about enthusiasm,and that is what will keep our hobby alive-see you at Border Reiver?

  3. I think the American shipyards will be busy for while ... It was great to see gamers having a laugh

    1. Dave, we laugh every time we game together (usually when Brian does something or loses his teeth. I was unable to attend with the lads (I use the term loosely)a s I was working which is a shame as I would have loved to have seen your Sudan set up in the flesh. All those lovely Connoisseur figures!

    2. Hi Dave,your game looked superb,and seemed to attract alot of "punters"-I think it's up to us to keep the momentum of participation and demonstration games going to attract new "gamers" into the hobby.
