Thursday 15 September 2022

` 15mm houses.

A while back I bought three wooden Christmas decorations(c/w LED lights) to fit in with my 15mm figures-well,I thought I needed at least three more,so "toddled off" to Hobby Craft shop in the Team Valley to buy them.Whilst there I spotted some wooden "fascia" type Xmas decorations-three different types for a pound!!-so I bought two lots to make back and front for more,but bigger, houses,but still in the 15mm bracket.

Said items-the houses(c/w LED lights) were three pounds each,whilst the wooden decorations were one pound !!

I carefully removed the LED lights-the switch made them impossible to stand level,and started the measuring and cutting for the bigger houses.

I cut the walls for all three houses,and marked them in case I got confused as to which wall belonged to which house-I'm old you know,these things happen!!

Everything was going "swimmingly" until the last very tall building.......................

Bloody Super Glue!!-it went everywhere but the place it should have!!-fingers covered in bits of card and paper-it certainly lived up to its name-stuck fast and nothing square-the man who invented this stuff should be shot with s--t!!

Having calmed down-THE WIFE thought I was having a heart attack!!-I got stuck(no pun intended!) in to making the roofs-again careful measuring was required, but the end result was ok._apart from the mess of the taller building!!

All three complete-note I have put the "mess" at the back of the photograph!!

Some 15mm ECW figures to show the size compared with the figures-not bad,I think!

A quick coat of felt-tipped pen on the roofs, for the complete smaller houses,and they are ready to go. I love these small projects really!!



  1. You do know that superglue was developed as a rapid wound closing solution during the Vietnam war don't you? It was developed for sticking skin together!

    1. Hi Neil-yes I did know that-what would
      we wargamers do without it??

  2. Grand job there with the buildings, I have a love hate relationship with superglue.Last week I made two 25mm scale Dark Age villages, using card and various scrap materiels. I used a strong waterproof PVA was safer. Being retired now is great, this week I painted 60 Hinchliffe hoplites, you can really get jobs done

    1. Hi James-I keep telling people to retire-sod the money,live your life!! You seem to be filling your time in nicely,well done-60 Hoplites-I'm totally in awe!!

  3. Very entertaining ‘Crafty’ John 🤣 cheers Chris

  4. Hi Chris-Acetone gets the super glue off no bother-I just like a whinge every now and then!!(Acetone is just nail varnish remover!) see you soon.

  5. Glue with white glue (pva) then put a drop of super glue on the white glue. It will make a stronger bond that is also hard enough to file.

    1. Hi Doug-good tip!-I've been told that if you "soak" cotton wool in super glue,it dries like concrete,and can be drilled and filed-must try it sometime-thanks for comment.

  6. Lovely, daft lad. Can one expect your presence tomorrow in Gateshead?
