Monday 12 September 2022

Solo update.

As I mentioned in the last blog,solo gaming is keeping me occupied,as you can see from the following photograph.....................

Ah,wargaming at its very best!!!!

I also mentioned that I had received from Warrior,a few Korean Auxiliaries,which can also be used as fully fledged Koreans-they are nice figures but my painting doesn't do them justice.

These three photo's are of my Mongols and Koreans-more Mongols than Koreans but the infantry can be inter-changed.

Top photo shows Korean Spearmen,bottom shows Korean Bowmen and Spears-the very bright colours are "authentic"-honest!!!-mixed in with the Koreans were catapults which fired all kinds of explosive things-so watch out Mongols!!

Catapults are from local museum,and are in fact pencil sharpeners!!

We won't be playing this Sunday,as we are putting on a WW2 Desert game at "Border Reiver" show on Saturday at the Gateshead Stadium-see you there??



  1. Great stuff John (tho I’d not be so bold as to mix wargaming with Newcy Brown! My generalship is already bad enough!!). I must remember to ask you what inspired your delve into the obscure with the Korean wars. You’re usually mainstream in your collection choices. Feel that you’re treading on my toes in choosing something obscure ;-) see you at the weekend! Cheers, Chris

    1. Yo Chris-I have had my Mongol collection some time now-fight them against Russians and Templars-but not enough infantry until now-looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.

  2. Lovely looking armies. Those pencil sharpeners are great and there are other useful codes in the range. Some 54mm acw guns I recall, and some excellent 15mm size traction engines, great for Victorian sci fi.

    1. Mike-a man after my own heart-I find myself looking at obscure things and thinking "what can I use that for?"

  3. Cannae beat a drop of Newky! Are Warrior back in the saddle?

    1. Hello James-I am one of a kind,cos' I like my Newky at room temperature-makes it taste like it should! Warrior are back,but be prepared to wait longer than "usual" for delivery-I think John is running the whole operation on his own at the moment-I don't mind waiting as the figures are such good value,as you know-cheers.

    2. Yes, I am the same, all my beers I like at room temperature. If it's lager, that's gotta be cold cos it tastes like something else! I do drink a bit of lager, not a lot, me and mum used to like it in a Snakebite.
