Friday 31 December 2021

Seasonal Solo-the game.

Over the last two nights I have played a fascinating game,which I have called the Battle of Red River.

 On the Reb's right flank,things started very badly-the Brigadier was killed and two out of the three regiments in the brigade decided that enough was enough,and promptly fled!!! On the left flank artillery from both sides opened a deadly barrage-the Rebs getting the worst of it(see red pom-poms!)

These two shots show the intense fire-fights,as the grand Union attack goes in-the situation looked hopeless,especially as I had determined that no reinforcements would come to the aid of the Rebs!!

This shows the out-flanking move about to be put into operation-this was so nearly successful,but bad dice throwing scuppered it!!!-still a brilliant(?) move by Lee(ie me!)

Top photo shows the "holding Division" doing its job,but getting shot to bits! bottom photo shows the Reb line being bolstered by a brigade,hoping to stop the eventual Union push against the right flank.

The far left brigade of the Confederates has fallen back-too many casualties,but the out-flanking move is "upsetting" the Union troops!! Despite this,the weight of numbers is telling,and all looks lost for Lee.

Meade has ordered his reserve brigade to "dash" down the road,towards the central bridge,thus cutting the Reb army in two,sealing the fate of Lee,and heralding the end of this cracking game!

One final shot of the victorious Union troops,consolidating their position and readying themselves for an advance on Lee's centre and right.By any stretch of wargaming imagination,this was an absolute delight of a game-more to follow!!

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