Monday, 30 January 2023

Irish vs Vikings.

Last night,after a delay of weeks due to bad weather,illness and lots of Rum(!) we had a game involving Brian's newly painted Dark Age Irish against my Vikings,and what an interesting game it turned out to be.

Opening moves-with Brian's instructions,the Irish moved at what could only be called "Zulu Rate!! and were onto the Vikings before they could form a shield wall!!-this was going to be short and bloody!!-Paul commanded the right of the Vikings,I commanded the left,whilst Dave and Graham commanded the Irish.

Paul was immediately attacked by Graham holding the Irish left,while I desperately tried to form a shield wall,but I was being "peppered" by arrows and threatened by wild hairy(?) Irishmen armed with all manner of weapons-what more could Dave throw at me????

Bloody hell!!-who let the dogs out,woof,woof,woof!!!-somebody yelled SIT! but the Vikings mis-heard and promptly S--T themselves!!

Two shots of Paul and Graham's tussle-the fights went on for most of the game,neither side really gaining an advantage.

Two shots of  my flank,with Dave piling the pressure on,only the intervention of my CinC saved the day,and \I actually killed Dave's commander,but his troops mustn't have liked him much,because they didn't run away,and continued the fight!!

Now that's more like it-the Vikings have formed a good line,and with Paul eventually winning on his flank,the outcome is in no doubt-a Viking victory!!

One last shot,showing the state of play-a good game,although a bit more research to be done on how the Irish actually fought,and how good they were at organising themselves-over to you Brian!!-we won't be playing next Sunday as York show is on,and there's money to be spent!!



  1. That was different, makes a change from fighting saxons or Normans for a change.Bet the Vikings were false footed with the Irish tactics!
    There was of course a lot of inter action between the Irish and vikings, just doesn,t get much publicity. .The Irish certainly used a lot of skirmish and hit and run tactics in the medieval and Tudor period, so be interesting to research tactics in the Dark Ages.

    1. Hi James-certainly different,lots more research needed though,thanks for comment.

  2. Just an idea, pretty barmy one.....Vikings versus Eskimos in Greenland!!!!

    1. James-you need more medication(my medication comes out of a rum bottle!)

    2. So does mine! Had a bottle Welsh whisky from a fan, not bad drop of stuff. We've had some interesting games, matching the period and nationality to the food and drink. Vodka fuelled Russia n players, altho. they jibbed at the black bread. Mind you, the Germans players liked the schnapps and saurkraut, but as we were doing Stalingrad, in January, they weren't happy with the doors and Windows open!

    3. James,what kind of "fan" gives out bottles of whiskey???-are you famous,having "fans" and all that?-keep commenting,they're great!

  3. It’s not direct knowledge but in Saga the Irish are hit’n’run merchants. Always satisfying getting figures on the table for the first time :-) cheers, Chris

  4. Chris,I'm more of a hit and rum merchant!!
