Monday 18 December 2023

Saxons vs Vikings.

Last night the "fab four" Graham,Paul,Dave and I had a very amusing and exciting last game of 2023 -full of jolly banter,laughs and bad language!! Paul and I were the Saxons,whilst Dave and Graham were the Vikings.................

It was blood and thunder from the word "go"-Dave and Graham attacked the town furiously,and Paul defended the Town furiously,whilst I manoeuverd my troops furiously!!

Top photo shows an early attack and defence-bottom shows my attempts to stop Graham from reinforcing Dave's attacks on the Town.

Top-they're in!!-bottom,they're out!!!!-this was "ding-dong" stuff,UNTIL....

Both Dave and Paul decided to put their C.inC in to bolster morale and fighting points to a melee-guess what happened??-yes they both got killed!!!!-oh how we laughed.

Both flanks are now engaged,but who will come out on top???

The Town has fallen,and my flank is being hacked to bits-shall we call it a draw?-not on your nelly!!-the Vikings have won-but as always in our games,we all won by having a good game-roll on 2024,but in the mean time a very merry Christmas to all our readers.



  1. Lovely game John. So which one of the fab four are you? Ringo or is it Bengo?

    1. If ever someone deserved to be on the "naughty list" it's you-however have a good 2024.

  2. Merry Christmas to all you “boys”! Vikings vs Saxon ding dong merrily on high. Cheers, Chris

  3. I'm afraid the beatles haircuts left us a long time ago Robbie
    Fortunately the stunning good looks and boyish sence of fun has remained... albeit heavily disguised
    Great game though and a good way to close the year.

  4. Excellent game chaps, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, gotta dash Carol singers are at the top of the street, need to put lights out so they think we are out!
