Thursday 28 December 2023

Solo "Jacobite" game-15mm.

Yesterday I got my "solo" table back--the base was being used as a temporary bed!and decided to try my solo rules on these recently finished figures vs British-no scenario,just a mass Highland charge against a static British line!!

Starting positions-20 Scottish units against 15 British-plus cavalry,skirmishers and guns.

Top photo shows the Scots getting dangerously close,but sustaining casualties-bottom photo shows a close up of a scots clan in full charge mode!!

Contact is just about to be made-the Scots right flank have refused to move,giving the British line time to concentrate their fire on the centre units!!

The indolent right flank of the Scots have been charged by British cavalry-a foolish move because the next move the Scots charged and "dispersed" the cavalry!!

On the British right flank the cavalry have chased away the Scots Baggots Hussars,leaving the Scots left flank and centre exposed-game over,rules tested and  adjustments noted for next time-that's the advantage of solo gaming! I will think of a more sophisticated scenario for my next game.Happy new year to you all.


  1. Great Scot! Think that’s a correct expression. Once again you’ve taken a full collection from parcel to table in no time. And it looks cracking. Well done, mate. All the best for 2024, Chris :-)

  2. Replies
    1. I don't like it when you're being nice-what are you after??

  3. This is great but what size ate those bases?

    Geordie lad

    1. Hi Geordie Lad-thanks for comment-75x50 is the answer-10 figures per base for infantry and 5 for cavalry,cheers.
