Wednesday 10 January 2024

Battle of Castle Ballach,1745.

Another fine 15mm solo game was had,however the title  should be Castle Worracockup! I have never seen so many dis-obeyed orders and bad dice throws in my wargaming life!! resulting in a game full of missed opportunities and planning going out of the window!

Top photo shows the objective of the game,bottom shows the initial trop dispositions-every time a unit has an order it throws an average dice-2 it stands still,3/4 it obeys its order,5 it moves forward at twice its normal rate!!

Everything went wrong from move number one-the British flanks refused to move,whilst the centre and C-in-C moved forward twice their allotted moves!!-the Scottish left flank swept forward and sent the British cavalry and guns retiring(its good being retired!),exposing the centre-could it get any worse?-YES,the Scots centre,moved twice their move and were upon the British,who could only fire one volley before they were swept away by the Highland Charge!!

The game was over in less than 4 moves!!-never mind there's still another game to play!(mutter,mutter,moan,moan)



  1. Haha when the Highland charge worked, it really worked. And when the Dice Gods are against you… Worth playing again? Cheers, Chris

    1. Chris,I have to wring my tear-soaked handkerchief out first.

  2. Thanks to and I just bought 60 Highlanders and 20 Spanish infantry for Glenshiel

    I hope you're satisfied

    Wargamer pitied by partner

    1. It's a great period.despite the major battles,Duffy gives good accounts of ambushes,raids and sieges-get them painted!!
