Monday 22 January 2024


Last night we had a magnificent ACW game at Dave's magnificent wargames room,I took about ten photo's but only two were "memorised" (is that a word?) in my temperamental camera-more later!

However,on leaving I told Dave,who is really into Ancients at the moment, (Romans in particular) that I would be having a 15mm solo Romans vs Gauls/Britons game today,and that I would blog the outcome,to inspire him!!!

Top photo shows the table before any movement,middle shows the Romans,bottom shows the Britons in wonderful lines,ready for combat.

Orders have been given-however some units(both sides) haven't received them,or have refused to act on them,resulting in a bit of a haphazard approach to each other!!

Eventually,both sides have sorted themselves out and charged into contact-remember that a red pom-pom indicates casualties-the front line Britons have received pila from the Legionaries,so are at a disadvantage in the melee!!

"Swings and roundabouts"-the Auxiliaries on the Roman right are in trouble,but the Legion and Aux. troops on the Roman left are doing well-the Briton's chariots are not!!!

A view of the table-compare it to the first photo.!!-the chariots in the centre have hit a proverbial" brick wall"-if they retire(it's good being retired!) the legion will have a field day against the open flanks of the Brits!

The chariots have gone,along with all hope the Brits had of winning!!-The Britons lost 13 units,the Romans lost 6-so a good victory for them!!

Top-Roman casualties,bottom-Britons casualties!-a cracking way to spend a miserable windy and wet afternoon-hope this gives Dave a taste of what he can achieve when his Legion is painted and ready to fight.The game we had last night was excellent-Paul and I were Union,Dave and Graham were "Rebs"

The objective was for the Union to "Burn" a mansion and crops,whilst the "Rebs" were to stop them-I do believe that either Dave or Paul were going to download some of their photo's,and hopefully they will continue this blog-come on boys!!!


  1. I am suitably inspired John!

  2. Great stuff John. Surely inspiration for a wider population than Dave?! All the best, Chris
