Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Battleground 2024

 More views of a great show

And my purchases included these beauties

Finally, big thanks to Colonel Bill's, their last show
They're still online so don't forget to show support folks


  1. Thats not snow you muppet! When I set off it was SIX inches and still falling and by the time I had picked John up it was worse. I managed 3 miles before being stuck on a hill with buses and wagons sliding down towards my poor car. It took 3 hours to travel 3 miles back home absolutely gutted and I had remembered your gift. I must admit I was so tired I was in bed by 1pm trying to sleep off my disappointment. I know if we could have got to Cleveland the roads would have been clear. Snow cant survive in the radioctive fallout around Middlesbrough. What was worse there was no snow by next morning. The Gods can be very cruel sometimes. By the way you need a bigger shirt.

    1. WIMP!!!-and I definitely need a bigger shirt!look out next year for new shirts and a new colour-pity you couldn't make it,see you at York(if there's no snow!!

  2. How do you wear t-shirts in that weather? Was the hall heated, or a lot of wargamers' hot air?!!
    Regards, James

    1. Geet hard lads from the toon.. well, plus heated vests too
