I have been painting a 15mm Macedonian army for the past few weeks,photo's to follow(with a bit of luck-still having problems downloading them!!) ...............
The entire army laid out-I have supplemented it with some Greek hoplites,as Hypaspists from my Greek army.
Greek Hoplites as stand-ins for Hypaspists.Companion cavalry,led by the man himself-ALEXANDER!-peltasts on their flank.
Phalanx(10 units)
Another shot of the Phalanx,showing second line.
Peltasts,flanking the Hypaspists,who in turn are flanking the Phalanx!!Back to the entire army-all supplied by Lancashire Games,at a very reasonable price.
I have played a fascinating Zulu game this week too(who's a busy boy then??)
The scenario was that a British force was constructing a road and bridge,and the Zulus didn't like it!!!-a Highland brigade was posted on a nearby hill to watch over proceedings whilst the "English" battalions "swanned" around in the camp!!!-the Zulu commander,Cootswayo,planned his attack in the normal fashion................
Top photo shows the table layout,bottom shows the "camp"
Left horn approaching the Scots.
"Static" Zulu centre,and right horn advancing directly onto the camp and from behind the large hill.
Poor old Scots under alot of pressure,but decimating the attacking warriors-however there are lots of them!!Hand-to-hand now the Scots are doing well,but Zulu reinforcements are piling in to the melee!
The camp is under serious attack by the centre and right horn,but so far the British are holding their own(steady!!)
The camp defences have been breached!!,and casualties are mounting on the defenders!!
The Scots are being surrounded!-with the camp about to be taken,and the Scots beaten,it was all over,and a resounding Zulu victory!!-great game and great entertainment!!
Well those chaps certainly look the business, and the rate you are painting them at is phenomenal.
ReplyDeleteRe. the Hypaspists, I keep reading about them having purple helmets......is that for real?
Hi John. Great stuff. You continue to produce new armies super quick. And not a Sri Lankan in sight. Nice scenario for Zulu Wars, or for other colonial wars- Imperial force divided, half secure, half