Friday 10 May 2024

Carronade 2024

 You will have noticed a Kambula Hill theme to some of John’s posts lately…

Off we toddled to Falkirk for the Carronade 2024 show. Our game was the Battle of Kambula Hill, 1879! Two months after the disaster at Isandlwana (and the day after the minor debacle at Hlobane) this was to be a turning point in the Anglo-Zulu War.

The “boys” had put a massive amount of effort into putting on this demo game. Carronade is easily the highlight of our wargaming year, so the effort is justified (I just needed to turn up!).

The above photos show the table being set up on the eve of the show.

Show time! The table looks great. 900 figures represent the Zulu army!

The right horn of the Zulu army is goaded into attacking by Buller’s irregular horse. Look at them surging forward!

Whilst the chest looks on and the left horn struggles through difficult terrain, the right horn is being hammered by volley fire and artillery.

The left horn struggling manfully with the terrain.

The left horn comes under fire as the right horn comes apart. The survivors of the right horn retire to a nearby hill. Apparently it’s good being retired; I’ll never know!

Speaking of pensioners, Dave demonstrates the reach of his weapon in the above photos. Our number one priority for demo games is talking to folk. We tend to bring along a bunch of books and paraphernalia to entertain the nice folk that stop to chat. The Martini-Henry rifle and carbine were big hits.

As the left horn closes on the Imperial defences, the chest charges forward as well.

With the right horn reduced to spectating, the left horn is causing the British problems. The cattle kraal is taken!

The British infantry are pursued from the cattle kraal while the chest also closes. Two companies of British sally out to clear warriors of the left horn amassing in dead ground below the main laager.

Like the historical counterpart, the officer leading this bayonet charge becomes a casualty (denoted by the little skull token).

The Zulu attack loses its impetus and warriors are now streaming away. It’s all over for the Zulu army!

But not for us! We win best demonstration game. Again!

It was great to hear that the voting was by straw poll of people in the canteen (the Falkirk club members usually score the games). That made it extra special!

We really need to replace our “sky blue” club shirts…


  1. Well done on that game, It certainly looked the part! PS: I am retired too now!

    1. Hi Herky- missed you the last time we "visited" the RVI-thanks for comment.

  2. Good to see you are still about. Yes you do need to get new shirts, preferably XXL.

    1. Robbie,never mind the shirts,what about our game???
