Tuesday 13 August 2024


For the past few months I have been "wrestling" with the idea of giving up wargaming,a hobby which I have stuck to for more than 50 years, I lost interest for some reason,but with the help and support of the "boys"-Graham,Paul,Dave and Brian ,plus family,I have come back into the fray!(not to mention the "happy pills" prescribed by the doctor!)

So on Sunday I put on a game,very simple,of Greeks versus Persians,unfortnately Brian couldn't make it so the "fab four" had a good game,with usual mix of bad jokes,silly banter and a good deal of laughter.

The Persians on the left,commanded by Dave and myself,the Greeks on the right commanded by Graham and Paul-I had interspersed Elephants inbetween the groups of infantry on both sides to make the game more exciting-what a move that turned out to be!!!!!

They're off!! Elephants trumpeting and Dave and I hoping to stick to our plan,meanwhile the Greeks stood firm under a tremendous attack(I won't mention the disastrous cavalry battle on my right flank!)-so far so good.

My cavalry being "routed" by Paul's cavalry!!

Dave's attack seems to be going well,putting Graham under pressure-Elephants still in combat,but the infantry are a wee bit too close for my liking!!

HMMM!-it had to happen-a melee loss and morale taken on my Elephants and look what happens-mayhem-luckily they "rampaged" on to Dave's troops and not mine!!!!-what a disaster.

Do the Persian Axemen look scared?-YES!!!!-my flanks was looking bleak-however Dave was doing okay-hurrah!!

Just as I was about to take the photo-bloody great hairy hands!!!-Dave did well,and at the end of the game a "draw" was called for,and graciously given by the Greeks.This was a good tonic for me and I said I will try and put on another game next week,We are  putting on a demo game at Border Reiver, 7th September-possibly 7YW.


  1. Welcome back! We've missed you. A good game in good company will hopefully make all the difference - and that looked a really good game!

    1. Hi David,how right you are-many thanks for comment.

  2. Welcome back! Some friend I am. Take it easy and I look forward to your posts. Cheers, Chris

    1. Hi Chris,hpefully back for good-progressing well.

    2. Hi Chris,hpefully back for good-progressing well.

  3. Good to see you back John!
    Was wondering where you'd got to. You were missed!
    Keep on gaming and carry on blogging!

    1. Hi Dennis-good to hear from you,thanks for kind comment-blogs will keep coming!

  4. Please don't give up

    This is my GOTO blog especially the El cid. Ancients and ECW

    You inspired me tp place orders with Warrior .I really miss Warrior miniatures

    You seem to be such a fantastic group of guys
    I always admire your set ups

    Please tell me how big your bases are they look just right

    Also are your rules home grown!

    Look forward to more posts and pictures


    1. Hi Pete(anonymous!)-everyone has been very supportive and have got me back into the "spirit" of wargaming-all bases are a massive 75x75mm-good for moving and putting away!!!

  5. Great to have you back, KBO as Churchill said! I find a rest from things is a good idea, otherwise it can appear stale due to familiarity. I get out to see re.enactments, find that boosts the interest factor. All the best.

  6. Great to have you back, a rest from anything, hobby work whatever, is a good idea. Things can go stale otherwise. I go to lots of re.enactments and shows, keeps the interest, plus I have a couple of other hobbies so I alternate between them. Good luck!

    1. Thanks mate-just what I needed,support and friends are the best tonic.

    2. I have gin with my tonic! I went to a small, but well organised, museum of Roman items, less than twenty miles from where I live. It's at Piddington, Northamptonshire.
      Not military stuff, but fascinating none the less. To my shame, I haven't visited the Wall yet.

    3. HI James-I have been "walking" the Wall since I was eleven years old-still fascinating,with a couple of great museums and sites-well worth doing!
