Monday 11 June 2018

Battle of Thermopolopolis 480BC.

Last night we saw a magnificent attack,a magnificent defence and a magnificent game.
Paul couldn't make it,so it fell to Dave and I to command the Persians,whilst Brian and Graham commanded the Greeks.

Top photo is the scenario,bottom is the table before any movement.

The game got off to a cracking start,with the Spartans(Graham) moving swiftly towards the waiting Immortals-we had bows,the Greeks did not,so Graham's tactic was to cut out the number of shots I could get at him(clever,and realistic ie Marathon!!)

On the other flank,Dave is attacking Brian's position with his Cardaces infantry and Axemen!
The Thebans had been put behind the wall because their troops were untried and I had given them a low fighting value and morale-Dave didn't know this,but was soon to find out!!

Top photo shows the even fight between Brian's Corinthians and Dave's Cardaces inf. bottom photo shows the Spartans attacking the Greek mercenaries-again an even match,and what a tussle!! Neither side could claim an advantage at this stage,and then...........................

A shout of victory(accompanied by a sort of jiggy "dad dance") from Dave heralded a break through against the Thebans,however Brian is moving his reserve Anthenians to block the Axemen!!-this is really going to be tight.

From the other flank,there was a cry of despair,as a combination of Spartans and Athenians manage to start a push back against the Immortals-so I instigated a forward move by my reserves,but I think I have left a bit too late-woe is me????

Yes!! woe is definitely me!!-look at the state of the Immortals-running for their little lead lives!!
The flank is lost,so it's up to Dave to save the day-send in the Royal Bodyguard!!!!!

Top photo shows Dave's use of his reserves,to finally break the resolve of the Thebans and Athenians-bottom photo shows the Royal Bodyguard smashing into the remnants of Brian's Corinthians and Athenians-hurrah!!-it was decided that,even though my flank had been destroyed by the Spartans(and their Athenian allies) the Greek position was untenable,and the Persians were the "masters" of the field!!

One last shot showing the magnificent Spartan/Athenian line,and the "running-away" Immortals.
We won't be playing for a couple of weeks,mainly due to me going off to sunny Corfu,so we'll have to catch up on a Waterloo game and a game for our sadly missed friend Tommy,when I get back.


  1. Great game, and have a splendid holiday!

    1. cheers Mike,Corfu is full of history,so I might just visit some interesting sites,while THE WIFE visits the set of The Durrels!!!

  2. Great looking game and a close fought thing. The Immortals get more rapidly to lead heaven?!

    1. Hi James,thanks for comment-the "Immortals" were really my Ben Yussef Black Guard,but the bear a remarkable resemblance to the Immortals as portrayed in that great film,The 300 Spartans!
