Friday 15 October 2021

Arthurian Anatomy

One of the pleasures of Partizan last weekend was collecting the last of my Arthurian/Late Roman/Romano-British from mate Jerry Miller. The army is complete!

The completed army in battle array. 27 mounted figures, 213 foot figures and 2 artillery pieces. 

I forget how many years this has been in the making. I can’t get an army on the tabletop in John-speed (get well soon, John!)

It’s a nice feeling when an army is completed!

The death of Arthur!  This vignette can be used as a unit base or a command base. One of the pieces I picked up at Partizan. 

The cavalry. The shock troops of an Arthurian army. The cataphracts are the first unit I painted. I look upon these guys as the Knights of the Round Table!

Artillery! These scorpions are a bit of a luxury item and probably just a burden to a mobile army. My basing is a good deal greener than Jerry’s. 

The Wolftails? Saxon mercenaries from Bernard Cornwall’s books. Gripping Beast make the figures so it seemed rude not to include this unit in my army. Behind them are my favourite unit; far too uniform and far too well equipped! They look so pretty though…

Another very well turned out unit. This one is led by a limited edition Gripping Beast general. The centre base can be used as a command base. Behind it are some wild looking Westwind units. 

Where the Gripping Beast units for the most part look relaxed and drilled, the Westwind units are full of movement. Painted by me and Jerry. 

A foray into plastics!  Jerry picked these spearmen and archers up from eBay, spruced them up and sold them to me. I love their yellow shields. 

I hope you enjoyed reviewing my Romano-British army. What of their Welsh adversaries, you ask? Well that’s a blog post for another day… probably 15 years time… sigh…





  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Neil. Like many, it’s a colourful period

  2. What a wonderful looking army! The death of Arthur is wonderful, if you know what l mean. Just the excuse you need to buy the tv series Arthur of the Britons on dvd. Praed, Blessed etc, loved it as a boy!

    1. Me too! Got to wonder how lame we’d find it now? Thanks for your comment :-)

  3. They look marvelous, a romantic period too
    poor Arthur, looks in a bit of pain.
    That's a really colourful army you have, well done

    1. Thanks Paul. I do enjoy a colourful collection

  4. Chris,I'm loving the colour-good games just around the corner now!-I'm much,much better today-Daph's still rather ill though!-once again thanks for the ships.

  5. Cheers John. A lot of the figures have seen combat as many of my fellow Yorkshire gamers have Late Roman figures too. Glad you’re better. Love to Daph. Hope she’s better soon
