Friday 30 August 2024

Sparta vs Athens-15mm solo game.

I have been playing a "cracking" solo game over the past two nights,and my interest is back to 100%-hurrah.

 Top photo is the terrain being used-bottom is the "scenario.

Troop in their places,with hills being attacked-Spartans on the right-all was set for a thrilling game.

Hills being hotly contested-the "southern" hill stayed in Athenian hands,whilst the "northern" hill was captured by the Spartan light troops-but now the "heavies" can begin to move-or can they?? Using my simple rules-an average dice is thrown for each unit with an order- 3 or 4,the order is obeyed,2 the order is dis-obeyed(no movement!) 5 the unit moves twice its normal move-this caused quite a bit of chaos!!

The Spartan cohesion is broken-some troops refusing to move,whilst others "gallop" ahead,eager to get stuck into the enemy!!

The Athenians are having the same problem!!-damn the dice!!

Both sides have sorted themselves out,and are marching forward determined to solve the battle one way or another-I am trying to transfer the Spartan,victorious light troops across the front of the Hoplite line to support the left flank-"stupid boy!"

Almost within "smelling distance"-the light troops have had to be transferred behind the hoplite line,and took no further part in the battle!!-heavy cavalry are engaged on the right flank.

CRASH!!!-I gave the Spartans a plus two onto their dice to portray their superior training etc. and you can see the immediate result in red "pom-poms"(indicating casualties) on the Athenians,although the Spartans didn't have it all their own way!

After a long and hard struggle,the Spartans have forced the Athenian centre back-this was the beginning of the end-the Athenian "Guard" was put into the melee,but they too were beaten-hurrah(if you are Spartan!)

Apart from the central success,the Athenian left flank unit was soundly beaten and had to leave the field-so the Spartan right flank unit,supported by heavy cavalry crashed into the unprotected flank of the main line-in my simple rules,any unit hit in the flank or rear is immediately lost!!-so as you can see the whole of the Athenian army would be lost in the following moves.

This was my first game/battle with these hoplites,and it proved to be both frustrating(movement) and exciting in equal measures-I'm sure the tussles will continue over the next few weeks!

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Six Weeks!!

Strange title for a blog!!-During my "struggles" I still had the painting urge!-So I ordered "some" hoplites and associated troops from Lancashire Games on the 29th June,they arrived on the 11th July and I have them completely finished by 26th August-about 6 weeks,hence the strange title!

Total number of figures,so 538 painted (in my style!!) in 6 weeks,see what you think.............

All laid out in their "splendour"-Spartan types to the right,Athenians etc to the left.

Detail of "Spartans-I haven't put the inverted "V" on their shields,basically because I don't have that skill,so all red will have to do!

Close up of one unit-to represent a phalanx,I simply double them up-who's a clever boy then??

Spartan cinc-Leonidas??

Detail of Athenians/Thebans-call them what you will-shield "designs" are card "button covers" from a craft shop,bought about a thousand years ago,and kept,just in case they came in handy!!!

Close up of shields-only four colours and all same "flower" design but what the heck!

Athenian/Theban cinc-both Dave and Paul have offered to show me how to do bases to a professional standard,but until then a bit of flock and a couple of grass tufts will suffice!

All is set for a first game-I will keep you posted!


Monday 26 August 2024

Getting back into it!

We have had a couple of good games over the past two weeks-one was a Roman vs Dacians-a very near run thing-but no photo's(I blame the cameraman!!) and one on this Sunday involving "El Cid" against a Moorish army-Dave couldn't make it,neither could Brian(it's his 70th Birthday today) so I commanded the Moors whilst Graham and Paul commanded the Spanish-only a few photo's but we had a great game-winner was "ME"-always a lift!!

The "citadel"-the objective of the game-defended by Moorish archers-who defended well and caused Paul a "bit of bother"

Top photo shows my "Black Guard" smashing the Spanish centre-hurrah!!-bottom photo shows the Spanish cavalry smashing my right flank Moorish cavalry!-swings and roundabouts???

Bottom photo shows my Left flank cavalry beating Graham's elite Andalusians-hurrah again-top photo shows abject misery on Paul's face as he admits defeat!!!!

This was another good game,played in good spirit-did they let me win?-of course not!!

Mid week,Dave is trying out our Demo game for Border Reiver-7YW,and then we will all participate on the day.

Tuesday 13 August 2024


For the past few months I have been "wrestling" with the idea of giving up wargaming,a hobby which I have stuck to for more than 50 years, I lost interest for some reason,but with the help and support of the "boys"-Graham,Paul,Dave and Brian ,plus family,I have come back into the fray!(not to mention the "happy pills" prescribed by the doctor!)

So on Sunday I put on a game,very simple,of Greeks versus Persians,unfortnately Brian couldn't make it so the "fab four" had a good game,with usual mix of bad jokes,silly banter and a good deal of laughter.

The Persians on the left,commanded by Dave and myself,the Greeks on the right commanded by Graham and Paul-I had interspersed Elephants inbetween the groups of infantry on both sides to make the game more exciting-what a move that turned out to be!!!!!

They're off!! Elephants trumpeting and Dave and I hoping to stick to our plan,meanwhile the Greeks stood firm under a tremendous attack(I won't mention the disastrous cavalry battle on my right flank!)-so far so good.

My cavalry being "routed" by Paul's cavalry!!

Dave's attack seems to be going well,putting Graham under pressure-Elephants still in combat,but the infantry are a wee bit too close for my liking!!

HMMM!-it had to happen-a melee loss and morale taken on my Elephants and look what happens-mayhem-luckily they "rampaged" on to Dave's troops and not mine!!!!-what a disaster.

Do the Persian Axemen look scared?-YES!!!!-my flanks was looking bleak-however Dave was doing okay-hurrah!!

Just as I was about to take the photo-bloody great hairy hands!!!-Dave did well,and at the end of the game a "draw" was called for,and graciously given by the Greeks.This was a good tonic for me and I said I will try and put on another game next week,We are  putting on a demo game at Border Reiver, 7th September-possibly 7YW.