Tuesday 27 August 2024

Six Weeks!!

Strange title for a blog!!-During my "struggles" I still had the painting urge!-So I ordered "some" hoplites and associated troops from Lancashire Games on the 29th June,they arrived on the 11th July and I have them completely finished by 26th August-about 6 weeks,hence the strange title!

Total number of figures,so 538 painted (in my style!!) in 6 weeks,see what you think.............

All laid out in their "splendour"-Spartan types to the right,Athenians etc to the left.

Detail of "Spartans-I haven't put the inverted "V" on their shields,basically because I don't have that skill,so all red will have to do!

Close up of one unit-to represent a phalanx,I simply double them up-who's a clever boy then??

Spartan cinc-Leonidas??

Detail of Athenians/Thebans-call them what you will-shield "designs" are card "button covers" from a craft shop,bought about a thousand years ago,and kept,just in case they came in handy!!!

Close up of shields-only four colours and all same "flower" design but what the heck!

Athenian/Theban cinc-both Dave and Paul have offered to show me how to do bases to a professional standard,but until then a bit of flock and a couple of grass tufts will suffice!

All is set for a first game-I will keep you posted!



  1. Lovely

    Warrior miniatures?

    1. Hi,Anonymous-no,not Warrior,Lancashire Games-the models are very well detailed,but I can't paint to any great standard so I just ignore the detail,and go for the mass effect(rightly or wrongly??)
