Saturday 7 September 2024

Border Reiver Show,Gateshead.

Today we gathered our passports and survival gear and headed to Gateshead Stadium.We were putting on a demo game using Paul's beautiful 7YW figures.The game and the show were great,and as usual we talked and talked and talked to everyone who showed interest about the figures,terrain,rules etc.etc.The catering facilities were next to none-a coffee van outside and a veritable feast of pies,sarnies cakes etc inside run by two charming ladies-all was set for a good day.

I didn't take many photo's,but I'm sure other more talented folk will post on their blogs!

Setting the game up-Dave had organised a simple attack/ defence scenario to showcase the figures and it worked a treat.

The hall before any "punters" arrived-there were a good smattering of traders,and of course a bring and buy stall,plus(a very good idea) a sitting area!

Doors have opened and eager folk,ladened with wads of cash descended on the trade stands-I was lead to understand that the "footfall" was about the same as last year.There was an entrance fee,but ,of course,...................................

This is Robbie Roddis,who tried to sneak in without paying,thinking that his "Invisibility Suit" would do the trick-he needs help!!!!!

Paul is talking to a half naked man-one of hundreds(not half naked!) who stopped to admire our table.

Graham,taking advantage of the huge cake portions on offer at the catering stand!

The game starts with a huge artillery duel across the table-the hall is filling up!

Catering ladies-the array of food was enormous and the portions were too!!

The Prussians,commanded by myself and Paul,start their advance-great stuff.

These have to be the cutest photo's ever taken at a wargames show(I did ask permission first)-The day ended far to soon,and it was packed away and back home for a couple of glugs of wine/beer until the next show(Battleground at Middlesbrough in November)


  1. I was going to say how good it was to see your group and how nice it was to chat about our ailments, but then you had to spoil it. Instead Im going to call Childline.

    1. Ah,shaddup!!-I hate to say this but it was good to see you(in a funny sort of way!)I suppose the next time will be at M/bro.

  2. Lovely pictures, glad you had a good game, it did look spectacular! I assume the Prussians won?

  3. Seems I missed an interesting day! Table looks great. Hope to get a game with Paul’s new toys soon. Cheers Chris
