Tuesday 3 September 2024

What a bloody disaster!

I have had a great day today,cleaning and clearing out the Club house(garage!),putting things in boxes,labeling them ,throwing away things I've hoarded for years etc.etc. and tonight I had a most interesting solo 15mm Sudanese game...................

Well,the terrain looks familiar-but with a few palm trees and Sudanese buildings,I have transported myself into the desert(all be it a tad green!).A formidable British square is working its way towards the various villages,whilst a formidable Dervish army is awaiting the order to attack!!

The formidable British square-infantry,lancers and artillery-unstoppable right???

The Dervish hordes begin their attack,whilst the left flank troops await a signal,but put down a continuous volley and artillery shower!-The square stands still awaiting the onslaught!

The left flank Dervish troops raining shit,shot and shell onto the Square!

The Dervish cavalry out-paced their infantry support,and are getting a "right old hiding" from the rifles and artillery-hurrah!

A view of the overall action-things are not going too badly at this point,although the Dervish infantry are getting closer,and closer!!

The British square has opened out to allow maximum rifle fire against the advancing Dervish-was that a wise move??

The square is being attacked from both flanks now,but the centre Dervish units have refused to move-hurrah,time to send the Lancers into action.(the Dervish cavalry have been beaten and have retired-it's good being retired!)

As two squadron of the Lancers sally forth(to their destruction!!) the Square has been broken,luckily the other two squadrons of Lancers are there to save the day(I love being optimistic!)

OMG!-when is a square not a square??Things are looking desperate-and to top it all the central Dervish troops are heading towards the "square".

As Bob Dylan would say-it's all over now baby blue!!!

An absolutely cracker of a game,and the perfect end to a perfect day.

We are all organised for Saturday's Border Reiver show at Gateshead Stadium-a 7YW spectacular!!!-come along and talk to us!


  1. This is a five for one deal; catching up on your last five posts!
    Sensational to have you back John and in superb form with your past four games and this one.
    We all have times out of the hobby. Like you, some years back, I was thinking that I'd give it away. Then, with the help of like-minded 'addicts', it comes back with a vengeance. You certainly have and I am pleased to enjoy it vicariously.
    All the best for the Border Reivers.
    Regards, James

  2. Interesting. I shall have to research opening squares to max firepower. Obvs not the right tactic this time. Great looking tussle. Cheers Chris
