Sunday 6 October 2024

Battle of the River Spew,Scotland 1745.

The newly appointed Lord Elpus(distant relative of the "swine" who deserted his troops at the battle of the Limpopo River 134 years hence) has been tasked with opening a route into the highlands,and defeating the Scottish Clans. 

He sets up camp on the low hills over-looking the river Spew,hoping to goad the Clans into attacking him in his good defensive position.

The Clans,lead by "Bonnie" Prince Charlie rise to the challenge,and move towards the "English" army,hoping to drive Lord Elpus and his army back across the border and into England.

The "English" camp and the approaching Clans-The Scots' plans was to out-flank the camp on their right flank,the "English" plan was to hold tight,using volley fire and artillery fire,linked to cavalry moves to defeat the Scots.

Lord Elpus considering the movement of the Scots from the safety of the camp.

As the Scots' plan becomes clear,the Cavalry move to the "English" right flank-the clans are getting nearer-hopefully the volley fire will stop them(!!)

Some casualties are being recorded on the approaching clans,but not enough to stop them!

The famous Highland Charge hits the "English" line,both frontally and in the flank-have the trained infantry got enough to stop them??

Fighting all along the line now-The right flank/camp is being well-defended,but the front line is under severe pressure-Elpus is sending more cavalry to the right,however he has committed his left flank cavalry too late,and they are unable to out-flank the clans-oh dear!

Too late-wasted opportunity!-these heavy cavalry were soundly beaten by the Baggots Hussars! with defeat looking them in the eye,the "Fall back in good order" was given-will it be enough to save the whole army?

Falling back in good order-all along the "English" position-but too late for the troops in the front line-they have been out-flanked,and are now doomed! Lord Elpus has just remembered that he has some urgent business to attend to in Edinburgh,he better get there fast!

There he goes,with a fine escort-must be something in the genes!

Once again a fine game full of cock-ups and bad dice throws,at one point the "English" looked as though they were going to win,but it was not to be!!-I wonder what Elpus will get up to next!

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