Monday 7 October 2024

Marlburian game 25mm.

Last night,the "fab four" Dave,Paul,Brian and myself,had an hilarious game where almost all of our command figures got killed!!

I had set up a straightforward game,each side being equal,wih a simple scenario and objective-ie hold/capture the central town-what could go wrong? 

Top photo shows defending the town-bottom photo shows the table layout-Brian commanded the French(on the right) Dave held part of the town and a force of Bavarians,complete with cavalry on the far flank-I commanded a mixed force facing him,whilst Paul faced Brian also with a mixed force.

This was move number two!!-all guns blazing-this was never going to last long!-this photo shows my Spanish giving Dave's Bavarians a lesson on how not to win a volley competition!!

Brian vs Paul-look at the concentration on Brian's face(or is that wind??)-the dice did not go Paul's way,and after losing a whole lot of officers,he had to quickly swap lines..................

Lines about to be changed-surely the new troops will do better(?)

Is that an ugly hole in my line?-YES!!!-luckily I have a regiment in reserve to fill it-at this point in the game both sides had lost 4 officers each-whose morale will hold though?

Both Dave and I have launched our cavalry,trying to win the flank-guess who won?-not me!! by this time both sides were looking rather thin on troops/reserves-Brian's front line had collapsed,Paul's second line was in  dire straits(not the group!) my troops had been driven out of the town,and Dave was throwing troops in who only had a drummer and a cook left!!! To cap it all the dead officer count had risen to 7 on Brian and Dave's side and 8 on Paul and myself!!

Oh well,we asked for a draw but were refused!!-a good game played in the right spirit-this week my solo games continue with a foray into Rome vs Britons,as above-keep reading and sending comments.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi David,it was,as a small group we have known each other for decades,so can take the p--s etc and nobody takes offence-we also play hard but fair,and try to give our games an historical feel.thanks for comment.

  2. Please...!!

    Who made the figures

    Are they still available

    What is the base size you use

    This is my dream game

    Big Pete
