Wednesday 2 October 2024

Crossing the Limpopo river,part one.

Heading up North,a re-supply column,consisting of 11 coys. British infantry,3 coys. of NNC,2 artillery pieces and numerous wagons and cattle,must cross the Limpopo river,as part of its route.Minor attacks have occurred over the past few months,resulting in most column commanders taking extra precautions to protect their wagons and troops. 

On this particular day,Lord Elpus(Column Commander) places  his two guns on the low hills over-looking the ford/drift,and sends his NNC forward to scout for possible Zulus(as if!!)

All is going well and Lord Elpus is contemplating a "spot of lunch",when,through his binoculars,he spots the NNC,on a distant hill,running around and looking agitated-could this be trouble?? He sends his ADC.Lt. Harris to investigate and report back ASAP! the column is halted until Harris returns and "Stand to" is called,and the Coys. take up defensive positions-"Another bloody false alarm" grumble the squaddies!!

The column,Lord Elpus on the hill,overlooking the crossing,NNC on far hill looking "agitated"

Lt. Harris rides out to see what is going on!

"Stand to" is called-Infantry take up defensive positions.

Harris returns,leading the "agitated" NNC!

Harris reports-ZULUS,thousands of 'em!!

It is assumed that the Zulus which the NNC have encountered is the right horn of the Zulu Impi,and that the centre/chest will attack down the Limpopo valley,leaving the left horn to attack and envelop the rear of the column.

Orders are issued and the wagons are "laagered" as best they can given the short time they have.The artillery is sited and everyone holds their breath!!-The NNC(having already had a shock) and the cattle,take up a position beside the CinC and await orders.

The British coys. adopt their fighting positions-but where are the Zulus?

Zulu right horn,blocking the track.

Zulu chest/centre coming down the valley.

Zulu left horn,tasked with attacking the rear of the column and preventing any retirement(it's good being retired!)


Part two will be how the game played out-I hope you have enjoyed the scenario so far.

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