Tuesday 19 January 2021

Battle of Leon-Viking Campaign.

Bloodnok and his Viking army have arrived(not without incident!) at the town of Leon,whose King,Rodrigo, has refused them entry and any access to supplies-there's only one thing to do-FIGHT!!! 

Top photo shows the scenario etc.,bottom photo shows the table before any movement.

Top shows the Viking "Horde",bottom shows the reception they are about to receive from the Spanish!!

This is what the Spanish light infantry were faced with,as they stood on the left flank,their little lead knees knocking with fright!!

These two photo's show Magnus' troops smashing into the light infantry-this should have been a "walk-over"-however,because of some ridiculously bad dice throws from the Viking commander(me!) it turned into a nightmare for the Vikings,who,after a long struggle, were beaten!!!!

As Sven's warriors advanced against the Spanish positioned outside the town walls,they were hit in the flank by Heavy cavalry-things are not going too well,so far, for the Vikings!

An over-all view of the table,showing Eric and Brian's warriors about to support Sven,who has contacted the Spanish at the walls,but is being "hammered"(bad dice throwing,once again, from me!!)
The Santiago cavalry have arrived behind the Spanish right flank,but have decided to support Leon!!!-this puts the whole Viking plan into dis-array-especially as they,with the Spanish right flank cavalry,are heading towards Bloodnok himself!!!

This photo shows the horrible state of the Viking army-Magnus and Sven have decided to retire(it's good being retired!) back to their ships,and the Spanish Left Flank cavalry are manoeuvering around the flanks and rear of Eric and Brian! Bloodnok has seen enough and is about to retire back to his ship!

Top photo shows Magnus' warriors being driven back,bottom shows the "peril" that Bloodnok found himself in,being charged by the Santiago cavalry and the Leon right flank cavalry!!

One final shot showing Eric and Brian forming a semi-circle as a rear guard,and the Spanish troops advancing to drive them back to the ships.
Bloodnok now realises that he needs two things,urgently,-Supplies,and Cavalry of his own!
These solo games(and campaigns) were born out of necessity,but are becoming part of my "norm",which I am enjoying immensely-my next blog will,hopefully help to solve at least one of Bloodnok's urgrnt needs!


  1. Wow the drama! Well when things go wrong... I expect that the game required a lot of thought. A lesser commander than you would have seen all his men buried at Leon ;-)

    1. Hi Chris,it's quite strange how intense these games can be-you will probably find the same in your campaign games.

  2. A change of era and still superb!
    Those longboats are excellent!
    Regards, James

    1. James-thanks for comment-the longboats were a larger version,bought from a museum shop,cut down to a reasonable size,photo-copied and a few oars added-not rocket science I'm afraid but they do the job.cheers.
