Thursday 21 January 2021

Viking things and game preview.

From my last game with the Vikings,it became very apparent that,without cavalry support, the campaign would not progress as expected for the Vikings ! So,as usual, I had to solve the problem,and the solution was to send to Warrior Miniatures and get some mounted Vikings-however Warrior don't do any mounted Viking figures,so I would have to adapt!!!-I sent for 16 Spanish light cavalry figures from their "El Cid" range,hoping to chop their heads off and replace them with some plastic Viking heads,which Brian very kindly gave me.

Things did not go as planned!-I found the whole process too "fiddly" for my "sausage fingers" so only ended up doing 4 figures,however the whole 16 figures have been painted and don't look too bad.

All 16 figures undercoated and ready to go-the 4 conversions blend in very well...............

Top photo shows the figure as supplied(Warrior did supply extra shields and weapons-the original figure has an open hand for a javelin,and no shield!) and the bottom photo shows the same figure with the plastic head-stuck on with a combination of "No Nails" and supa-glue.

Finished articles-converted figures are on the brown horses,all have been varnished and tomorrow they will be based and become integrated into the Viking army!!

Brien,bless his heart,gave me a huge box of plastic Vikings,which included a vast number of shields and shield decals-these were too good to waste,so I decided to fix them to the sides of my existing "scratch-built" Viking ships........................

Top photo shows one of my four long-ships,bottom shows the shields c/w decals attached-quite an easy job when you get used to it!(note the word "when")

They look ok,and just add a finishing touch(as well as keeping me occupied and sane!)

What about the game pre-view I hear you all screaching!!! Well,as part of my on-going Viking campaign,the Vikings are short of supplies and have found two villages stuffed full of goodies,and just waiting to be sacked/pillaged.These two villages are on the edge of a frozen lake(naturally!!) which poses a problem for the Viking commander,Bloodnok...........................

Top photo shows the terrain without any troops ,bottom shows Bloodnok's proposed plan of attack-however my scenarios,most of the time, have a "twist" to them which poses a tactical problem for one or both sides.............................

See what I mean? Stakes blocking the Viking advance through the woods,and only"peons" guarding village number 2(against wild and wooly Vikings!!)

The board with all the troops on,and ready to go(probably tomorrow).Can the Vikings get to the supplies,to see them over the winter??

The nasty surprise awaiting Magnus' warriors as they try to out-flank the Spanish,via the woods!

A full battle/game report will follow.


  1. I hope the ice is thick enough...!

  2. Yet more great crafting from you. I look forward to seeing what great deeds the mounted Vikings can perform. I think that it’s enough that there’s a sprinkling of Viking noggins. And nice use of the spare shields. I’m a big fan of shield decals. They are pretty much a necessity for me. I rarely paint a shield now. Cheers, Chris

    1. Chris,the decals are good,but "fiddly" but I think they do the job,but on figures I will always try and paint individual designs.

  3. Wonderful to see how those excellent longboats were built.
    You have whetted our appetites with your preview photos!
    Regards, James

    1. James,you've made my day by saying I've whetted your appetite-that's my goal-many thanks.

  4. Replies
    1. Ahoy Matey-us "seafarers" have got to stick together-yo ho ho and a bottle of RUM!!!
