Saturday 24 July 2021

"Epic Project" update.

I had a full day's painting session yesterday,and completed 2 full sprues,one Union and one Confederate-I am quite pleased with the result.taking into considerstion that I haven't the skill to paint fine detail onto figures,and invariably just paint over them!-I did find that I had a considerable learning curve to overcome,but sorted it out in the end.One minor "gripe" is that the flags provided,in my opinion, are too small,so I went onto the "Warflags" site,down-loaded their 28mm flags,and as per instructions,reduced them to 62%,and they look fine.......................

On each sprue are 100 infantry,one mounted officer and a gun c/w 4 gunners-not too bad eh?

The regiments-Warlord use 5 companies to a regiment,but I'm using each company as a regiment,giving me 60 regiments per side!!-we will be able to field massive  games when all complete,remembering that Brian has also bought the same amount ! plus he has a Brigade of Zouaves-that's another 15 regiments!!!!-In the photo you can see the "new" flags that I down-loaded.

Flocked and ready for battle-only another 22 sprues to go!!



  1. Sounds like we’re talking corp level games? I’d not noticed but you’re right the epic flags do look small. Good decision and easily remedied. Warflags is a greeeeeeat resource for our hobby and if anything I prefer oversized flags

    1. Hi Chris,I've painted 40 "regiments" so far and the flags really make them stand out!

    2. Well done mate. I look forward to seeing their first misadventure
