Monday 17 January 2022

No Game and Preview "Tit-Bit".

We didn't play on Sunday,due to a distinct lack of gas!!-We ran out of Butane Gas for the heaters,on Friday,so I 'phoned Paul and asked him to give me a hand with the cylinders over to the Gas Suppliers  on Saturday morning-we got there and the place was shut!!!-they only open Mon.-Fri!!!! and because it is so cold at the moment we had to call the game off!-we are trying again on Tuesday to re-supply!

As the game was already set up,I thought a little preview may whet appetites.................

As you can see we are in the Sudan,a five-hander game with me as referee-Colonials are always fast and furious,so I'm looking forward to it.

Let there be light!my last solo game suffered from lack of light in my new games room,so a quick change of lampshade, and hey presto...................

Now that's better-this photo also shows the terrain for my next ACW game! Roll on Sunday.


  1. Much better lighting!
    And who doesn't love a bit of colonial action. Will there be opportunity for Graham's troops to get shot by their own side...? ;-)
