Sunday 20 August 2023

First battle.15mm Sudanese campaign.

Last night I tried out my solo rules using my newly finished Sudan figures,and what a game it was!

 To introduce "unpredictability" into  my solo games I throw an average dice for every unit that gets an order-2 it doesn't get that order,3/4 it reacts as ordered,5 it goes "beserk" and moves twice its normal move! In this shot,on move number one,the left face of the square has thrown a 2 and doesn't move,leaving a gaping hole in the square-this could spell trouble!

To cover the gap,the Bengal cavalry are ordered forward-guess what-they threw a 2!! with the Haddendowah camels and infantry fast approaching this could spell trouble(with a capital T)

On the other square,the same thing happened,only this time the Dervish cavalry broke into the square before the Bengals,sheltering there, could react-oh hell,its Tamai all over again!!!

Square has closed up,but still the Bengals refuse to move-massive attack coming in from the Haddendowah.

The British rifle fire has,luckily, decimated the Haddendowah on their way in,and the hand-to-hand fight saw the square have the advantage-the Bengals are retiring(it's good being retired!)

It's "push and shove" in the other square as both cavalry and infantry attack! things don't look good-oh dear!

Order is being restored in both squares now,things are looking much better,and the Ansars have run out of steam,hurrah!!

One final shot,the Ansar cavalry are being repulsed,and the infantry are beaten-phew!!
This was a good game,and very enjoyable-my rules worked,so what more could I ask for?
A few more Sudanese games are planned!!


  1. Good work mate. Interesting that you introduced randomness to nobble yourself lol. Cheers, Chris

    1. Hi Chris,I am thinking of furthering the unpredictability factors,but don't want to over complicate my simple rules!'
