Thursday 17 August 2023


I wonder how many of you out there suffer from OCPD-Obsessive Compulsive Painting Disorder? 

I suffer terribly ie whenever I get a "batch" of figures I have just got to paint them immediately and get them onto the board.A few weeks ago I received hundreds of Sudanese Campaign British and Ansars,and got to painting them straight away,and now I have just finished them-I deliberately (oh yeah!) missed out fine detail,but as they are for my Solo wargaming it didn't matter(to me anyway).En Masse they look the part,and I can't wait to try out my rules and have a game..........

British,and Allies in marching square,with Cavalry on the flanks-in the background are "some" of the Ansars.

Close up of one of the squares-Egyptian at the rear-Bengal cavalry to the left flank.

Bengal cavalry-note lack of detail(the figures have lots of detail,but my painting skills don't allow me to paint it!!)

Square in fighting order-companies have opened out and cavalry are "sheltering" inside.

Top-Ansars,bottom Haddendowah,c/w cavalry and camels-a disturbing sight if you'reBritish!!

Haddendowah camelry.

I also received from "Hovels" some beautiful buildings to go with my figures,and they have now been undercoated,and should be ready by next week...............

I have two of each type so will make a good couple of villages or one large town!

What I haven't mentioned is that I also have a very large "Jacobite" army to paint-here goes the OCPD again!!!


  1. you never stop! prolific was a perfect word to describe you ha ha
    Well done, very impressive

    1. HI!! are there two of you under the name of Anonymous??-thanks for comment.

  2. Fantastic job there! Can't claim to be as fast, but am with you all the way as regards painting style/technique. Anyway, they are yours to paint how you want. The incredible amount of detail that the sculptors out into a figure, are not really necessary! It encourages us to paint superfluous detail, which from say three feet or more away from the table , you just would not see

  3. Wow John. Amazingly impressive mate. I look forward to a posted battle report. And diddy Jacobites! Great stuff. Cheers, Chris

    1. Chris,another Anonymous is also commenting,I'm easily confused!!!

  4. Hi me again, being retired lots of time on me hands!
    I was thinking about how an artist or illustrator deals with lots of human figures, and I recalled my childhood comics, and how it there was a mass battle, or a Roy of the Rovers scene, maybe two or three characters in the foreground would be drawn in great detail...eyes, facial expressions, buttons etc.But the "masses" in the distance might be just circled for heads, with the odd one having a full face, the rest just hinted a at. But....the effect was it appeared detailed when it wasnt.If that makes sense.? With our troops in the table,we are doing the crowd, not portaits.

    1. Excellent comment James,and well spotted!
