Wednesday 31 January 2018

Game preview for Sunday 4th February 2018.

Variety certainly is the spice of life in my Wargames World,and to this end I have decided that the game we are playing on Sunday will be a French/Indian War conflict(even though I haven't got all the correct figures-imagination also plays a big part in my life!!)

This is the scenario(the name of the fort is a "Trumpism!"which he used to describe certain African and Asian countries!!)

This is how the "boys" will see the table when they arrive on Sunday-British infantry and Rangers on the left,French and Indians on the right.

Indians lurking in the woods,opposite the British artillery and HQ.

The British infantry,all lined up and raring to go!!

Rangers lurking in the woods,opposite the Indian camp-can anyone spot a bear?

The Indian camp(I know,I know,they didn't have Teepees-but it looks good!!)

OH NO!-IT'S THE WIFE!!!!!!!!
Roll on Sunday.


  1. That looks great.... and who cares about the teepees. There are too many rivet counters out there. I haven't seen that totem pole since I was a nipper, although I still have the little fire and cooking pot which went with the set.

    1. HI Mike,I too have the whole set,but,like me,it's seen better days!!-glad you like the set-up.

  2. Not off to York? Secretly I am pleased as I have some stuff to sell and I wont need to worry about elderly shoplifters.

    1. Robbie,what sort of stuff?-the "boys" will still be there to keep an eye on you!
