Monday 17 May 2021

Getting there!

We are slowly getting back into the swing of things as far as club games are concerned,and last night was no exception,we had an ENORMOUS game pitting a vast Indian army against two full Roman legions,and it was great.Brian couldn't make it,nor could Dave so that left Paul,Graham and I to do the business! But the night was enhanced by the arrival of Michael,who had travelled down from Aberdeen,so that he and Dave could pick up a vast order of terrain from Lost Valley in Hull.

This is the table as the "boys" saw it on arrival-Paul opted to command the Indians(on the left) and Graham and I commanded a legion each-with lots of Elephants and Chariots it was going to be fast and furious as well as bloody!!

we're off! it was action from move number one-the elephants are making mincemeat out of Grahams legion,but he fought back and got ready for the chariot,cavalry and infantry assault that was about to hit him-bloody marvellous stuff!

My catapults caused havoc on Pau'ls elephants attacking my legion(note "dead" figures in background!) and a massive cavalry battle is shaping up!(text and photo's have got mixed up-how?)

There they go-I got three wins in a row on this flank-unheard of in my wargaming history! but welcome nevertheless!!

Michael's arrived,he's been working in Alabama for a while,hence the sun-tanned look-great to see him after so long.

Top photo shows Graham's legion still struggling with the elephants,bottom photo shows Paul's chariots crashing into Graham's right hand cohorts-these chariots we classed as "0ne-hit-wonders" but inflicted alot of damage,which Paul's poor quality but numerous infantry would take advantage of!!

This is my right flank-Paul,for the second game in a row,put his flank commander into the fray,got him killed and the flank collapsed-hurrah!!

Top photo shows "the flank is mine!", bottom photo shows the sorry state of Graham's legion-pushed back and out-flanked-with no hope of recovery or help from me as my centre is being "mauled" by elephants!!!

One final shot showing my centre in a bit of disarray,but as I had won one flank and Paul had won one flank,we decided that a draw would be the best result!!

Another great game,played in the very best of wargaming spirit-well done to us all!

Next week we will probably be playing a Sudanese Colonial game,possibly with a full house!



  1. Gosh John, action a plenty 'as advertised'!
    Chariots being successful? I think that is the first time that I have heard of that. I hope the drivers bought a lottery ticket before they jumped off their ride!
    Regards, James

    1. James,jump off?-they were going to fast for that,and like true captains of their"ships" they went down with them!!-cracking game,glad you liked the write-up.

  2. You lot certainly know how to have fun, what a spectacular game. I keep meaning to buy a heap of Last Valley terrain.... Looks good.

    1. Hi Mike-the terrain is "cracking" and it is built to last-he does "bespoke" pieces too,seems to sell-out at shows very quickly,so must have one hell of a following,thanks for comment.
