Tuesday 11 May 2021

Project Review WW2 Japanese.

I have now finished all of the Warlord Games Japanese infantry(including 4 prone figures,which I swore I wouldn't do!)

This shows the first 7 figures,detailing the officer-I decided to gloss varnish the completed figures because they are "singly" based and will get alot of handling(lucky them!!)

The rest of the figures,undercoated and "bits" glued on-so many bits equals so much waste,and I thought we were supposed to be saving the planet!-Note prone figures-whose a clever boy then??

The whole lot finished and glossed,ready for "flocking".....................

I was pleased that Brian thought they would blend in nicely with his,so between us we will have enough to have a good game against his Americans.-I have a plan, in my brain, which is closely linked to these figures-yet another project!!-will they never end?-NO! Even more so because I have just received a little package from Warrior Miniatures-English infantry of the "Jacobite" era-more on that to follow!



  1. Well done John. And there were those that doubted you... nice inclusion of a standard bearer. Look at you taking an interest in WW2 ;-)

  2. And! Another foray into the ‘45?! I look forward to finding out more :-)

  3. Cheers Chris-figures from Warrior are wonderful,and so inexpensive-notice I didn't say cheap!!

  4. These look great John. That officer is especially grand. And he's got a big one... sword, of course.
    Regards, James

    1. G'day me old cobber-I'm really thankful that I've finished these figures-didn't enjoy painting them at all-but all's well that end well!!-thanks for comment.
